Irish Daily Mail



TOMORROW, Mercury combines encouragin­gly with Jupiter. It brings a message of hope in what sometimes seems like a deeply flawed world.

It’s a promise of adventure in a sky that has been almost devoid of new astrologic­al activity recently. Imagine that you’re in the middle of the ocean, drifting on a sailboat on calm seas.

This is the moment the wind picks up and fills your sails.

And even if it’s not blowing in the best direction, it’s an energy we can work with!

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

THE world is full of ‘patcher-uppers’... people who are willing to turn their hand to anything – despite their lack of experience. They can be surprising­ly successful at fixing whatever’s presented to them, and it’s a skill to be applauded. The danger comes when someone considers they are an expert, based on only a shaky foundation of luck and common sense. Confidence is vital, but too much of it can be dangerous. Have faith in your abilities today, but don’t forget that you can ask for help, too. Want to discover some priceless informatio­n about your week? Just pick up the phone! Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

IF YOU’RE an experience­d driver, you can zoom around without a second thought – as if motorised movement comes naturally. Then you meet a learner, struggling to change gear or stalling at traffic lights. It’s a reminder that mastering skills takes time – as well as a good instructor. The best educators remember how they learned, and break it down into steps that others can follow. It’s time to set your modesty aside. If you share your mastery of a skill, you’ll be much appreciate­d. Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your latest, in-depth forecast: 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

AS VENUS moves through your sign, I’m reminded of Pepé Le Pew. He was a cartoon skunk, happily bouncing around, falling in love with everyone he met – no matter how unsuitable – and oblivious to the fact that his distinctiv­e waft was causing plants to wither and people to run away. This doesn’t quite represent your situation! You’re more discerning than Pepé, and I wouldn’t ever cast aspersions on your aromatic trail. But today, be inspired by his optimism and ‘joie de vivre’. Your in-depth forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

NOBODY likes to feel vulnerable. We all develop our own ways to protect ourselves. Some use wit, sarcasm or humour to conceal insecuriti­es, while others construct an armour of pride or nonchalanc­e. We have all got to do what we’ve got to do to survive, but putting up walls creates a barrier between us and the world. We can end up feeling alienated from people and experience­s. The cosmos is inviting you to dare to be vulnerable today. You might be surprised at the advances you make. Want to discover some priceless informatio­n about your week? Just pick up the phone! Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

NO-ONE can ever know all there is to know about anyone. We all have hidden depths. We’re like multi-faceted dice: the face we show depends on who’s doing the rolling. Even our parents, partners, children and colleagues have secret faces that we never see. But not only do we hide ourselves from others – we also hide from ourselves. When we change, our selfpercep­tions don’t always adapt at the same time. You’ve grown, but do you realise how much? I think you are about to be surprised. Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your latest, indepth forecast: 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

‘IT’S quiet – too quiet,’ is a phrase we hear in clumsily written drama, just before an ambush. We’re usually good at sensing when something’s amiss. It’s often when something feels too good to be true that our senses tingle. The danger is that we then panic and sort our life into tick-box scenarios. Even good-looking situations might be put into the ‘must-be-a-trap’ pile. Though you shouldn’t count your chickens before they hatch, neither should you assume they’re alligator eggs! Your in-depth forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

THE ability to read minds is easily dismissed. ‘Stuff and nonsense, they’re all charlatans,’ is a typical response from people who’ve never met anyone with psychic powers. But after spending time with practition­ers of this art, I’m sure that their abilities are real. A cynic will challenge a mindreader to tell them what they’re thinking. But even the best psychic can’t read a mind that’s not open to being read. Similarly, no-one will know what’s worrying you – until you confide in them. Want to discover some priceless informatio­n about your week? Just pick up the phone! Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

HAVE you ever wondered if everything is as real as it seems? What if life were an illusion, one big dream? What makes you and the world around you ‘real’? We’ve all sometimes allowed baseless fears to influence our decisions. And we structure our lives around beliefs that sometimes turn out to be founded on sand and slip away over time. The worry you’ve been consumed by is starting to lose its form. If you take a good look, you can see beyond it. There’s an easier way to move forward now. Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your latest, in-depth forecast: 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

IT’S often said that ‘the Devil is in the detail’. And though this might sound trite, there’s wisdom in these words. We get bogged down in minutiae. We like to understand what we’re doing and to focus on the finer points – even though we often end up so immersed in the intricacie­s that we lose our sense of enjoyment. It’s time to see the bigger picture and have more of an overview. Instead of looking at every piece of the jigsaw, focus on the final picture. You’ll like what you see. Your in-depth forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

GOOD driving involves reading signs – traffic lights, indicators and dashboard warnings. We respond with appropriat­e choices along the route. In a way, it’s easy. If we read the signs carefully, there are surprising­ly few decisions to make. Life on the other hand has no flashing green lights screaming, ‘Go! This is an amazing opportunit­y!’ There are no obvious red warning signs either. But if you look carefully now, you’ll find some hidden indication­s that you’re on the right road. Want to discover some priceless informatio­n about your week? Just pick up the phone! Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

HESITATION is seen as a sign of weakness. It indicates uncertaint­y, a lack of self-knowledge and an absence of desire. Is that fair? Isn’t it just a sign of sensible considerat­ion? Sometimes we need to pause before making a big decision. Snap decisions don’t necessaril­y mean better ones. Having the confidence to think things through is a sign of strength. But once the process is complete, it’s time to act. You can be thorough, and patient – but not for too much longer! Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your latest, in-depth forecast: 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

INTUITION is a gift that should never be taken lightly. Yet truly intuitive people regularly often seem to disregard their ability. Our 21st-century way of life is built on hard facts – there’s little time given to the intangible these days. And because we can’t identify a concrete reason for our feelings, we tend to dismiss them. Whatever you do today, try to resist that urge. Few people are so naturally instinctiv­e as you. Right now, your gut feelings are reliable. Don’t doubt! You’re on the right track. Your in-depth forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 1550 511 611.

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