Irish Daily Mail

I’m happy chest as I am, says Dawn...


FANS were desperate for her slimming secrets when she shared a recent rare picture of her weight loss, two weeks ago. Yet Dawn French, 59, now reveals she has decided to ditch her diet, which has seen her shed seven and a half stone, because she doesn’t want to lose her boobs.

Her decision to relax her regime, comes three years after she slimmed down for a secret hysterecto­my but she has regularly insisted she never ‘hated her body’. ‘I’m happy with my boobs,’ she said to The Sun. ‘I do not want to lose them. I would never surrender them to anyone.’

Previously 19 stone, the comedienne was shifted into action following a cancer scare in 2014.

At the time she revealed her doctor was convinced she had uterine cancer and although the results of a first biopsy came back clear he ordered a second one which prompted the surgery to remove her womb. She decided to lose the weight in a bid to make keyhole surgery – as opposed to an invasive operation – a success.

She insists that while her focus shifted onto her health, she was not motivated by a ‘dislike’ for her fuller figure. ‘I’ve never disliked myself,’ she told The Mirror in 2012. ‘And my weight has had nothing to do with my self-esteem. I still refuse to dislike my old body.”

Dawn delighted fans on Instagram with a slim picture that proved she’d kept up the healthy regime.

Visibly trimmer in a floral blouse, the 59-year-old looked youthful in silver brogues and leggings.

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