Irish Daily Mail



SOMEONE recently asked me if the astrologer Nostradamu­s had predicted his own demise.

We know that he predicted several deaths, but as well as being an astrologer, he was a world-renowned physician – so he had knowledge of the physical as well as the mystical. My feeling is that studying the planets shows us moments of great, fundamenta­l transforma­tion.

I’m just too optimistic to view these as anything morbid. Life, surely, is best lived without knowing the date of our next great adventure! ARIES ANYONE with Mar 21 — Apr 20 experience of boxing will tell you that when you’re in the ring, learning to take a punch is a skill. You need to be able to absorb a hit, and get back up on your feet again. Even when going on the offensive makes you vulnerable, it’s vital to keep moving. In life too, there are times when the world seems to throw punches that we need to roll with. Today, if you respond to a challenge, a more subtle response will be stronger and more successful. You need to box clever. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. TAURUS IT’S never easy to Apr 21 — May 21 know when to hold a position, or when to capitulate. We don’t want to be known as being a ‘walk-over’

or argumentat­ive. So we learn to choose our battles wisely and adapt according to the demands of the confrontat­ion. We concede ground in one area, while building up our defence in another. You’re anxious that you’ve given in too easily to someone’s demands. But your assessment of your position is too critical. Leave some room for the benefit of

the doubt today. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. GEMINI YOU’RE feeling May 22 — June 22 trapped. The walls around you seem to be closing in. Even the sunlight from the small barred window is growing dim. But this is a cell of your own making. Those walls are in your imaginatio­n. You can walk free at any time. So, what holds you back? I’m not saying there are no obstacles in your life, or the limitation­s you face aren’t real. But, the Grand Trine indicates you now have the best chance to break free of some obligation­s – grasp the chance while you can. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. CANCER YESTERDAY we June 23 — July 23 talked about stepping back from your emotions. I realise that’s a bit like asking you to throw off your own shadow. Unless you’re Peter Pan and can unpick Wendy’s stitches, you and your feelings are inextricab­ly joined. So you can’t move away from your feelings. But you can learn to recognise the signs that you’ve allowed negative emotions to have too much control. And, if you can’t step back from a worry that is plaguing you, try looking through it. Much

of what you fear is a facade. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. LEO TOMORROW, the Sun July 24 — Aug 23 and Mars converge in the sky, at the beginning of their stay in your sign. They make an inventive angle with Jupiter, the great optimist of the zodiac. All the planets involved represent outgoing, positive and forward-thinking influences. So, no matter what trouble darkens your door, you’ve got the skills, resources and reflexes to do more than just make the best of a bad situation. Be bold; be adventurou­s. Action you take today will move you to a bright tomorrow. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. VIRGO YOU can see a light Aug 24 — Sep 23 at the end of the tunnel, but you’re at a point on the journey where it’s hard to see exactly what the source of it is. Deep in your subconscio­us there’s apprehensi­on. Could you be looking at the headlights of a train coming towards you? You’ve worked hard, so you certainly don’t want to be knocked back in your tracks. The good news is that the return of your ruler creates a subtle but essential shift in your sense of security. What a relief it will be to let go of your fears. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. LIBRA TIME races by when Sep 24 — Oct 23 we’re stressed. If we’re absorbed in a deal, or by a deadline, before we know it, the day has gone. That’s a good reason to try to manage tension. We all secretly search for a state of being that we sense is available, but struggle to achieve. It involves a way of seeing the world so we notice its magnificen­ce, and time slows down. We can return, at will, to events in the past and see them with a different perspectiv­e. The cosmos gives you the chance to do this today. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. SCORPIO IF things are Oct 24 — Nov 22 going wrong, could they be going wrong for the right reasons? Would it be better to do the right thing for the wrong reasons? Faced with such a quandary, it might be a good idea to look at what you believe about right and wrong. You’re in a scenario which has become overcompli­cated. It seems that judgements being made are misplaced or misdirecte­d. Trust in your intuition today. Even if you can’t see the evidence, you can feel what’s right in your

heart. Follow that. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. SAGITTARIU­S WE’VE Nov 23 — Dec 21 spoken about your potential. I’ve been trying to help you recognise how far-reaching this goes, how tangible it is, how significan­t you are. You’ve heard it before, but it’s important to hear it now because, with a Grand Trine in the sky, involving your ruler, you can transform a project close to your heart. This is the moment to take what you instinctiv­ely know and share it with those who can help. Instigatin­g change is your forte. Nothing can stop you now. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. CAPRICORN PEOPLE Dec 22 — Jan 20 enjoy a scary movie. They love those creepy moments as they watch from between their fingers – and the sudden frights that have them jumping out of their seat. Of course, there’s a big difference between a spooky story you know is harmless fiction and hearing an unaccounta­ble noise when you’re alone in the house at night. You feel unsettled, but do your fears have real foundation­s? The cosmos insists that, despite your anxiety, everything will turn out OK. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. AQUARIUS ONCE we’ve Jan 21 — Feb 19 known a fact a while we start thinking of it as selfeviden­t. We forget that when we were young, everything was new and had to be explained to us. Sometimes as adults we have a ‘road to Damascus’ moment – a blinding flash of insight that changes how we think. Such moments also remind us that we don’t know it all. If you feel frustrated by someone’s resistance to an idea, don’t worry. The light bulb will pop above their head soon – just as it did for you. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611. PISCES PEOPLE often think Feb 20 — Mar 20 that we have to live with ‘whatever fate has in store’. But if that’s so, why do anything? Why bother making any decisions when you can drift passively through each day? Except, that’s no life! Of course we can shape our destiny. If you look into the future and are not keen on what it holds, you can change it. But first you must look. Then, if you sense you’re heading for the wrong destinatio­n, you can alter your route. This is an exciting turning point for you. How will this week’s amazing Grand Trine change your life? Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611.

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