Irish Daily Mail

Oops! Think you better leave right now, Will! Ireland is not in middle England


WILL Young has always had a healthy following here... but there could be a cold front on the way. The singer committed the gaffe of all gaffes when he turned weatherman for the day on Sky News and mistook Ireland for the midlands of England.

Will had been on Sky News to discuss his new LGBT podcast with Chris Sweeney, but made sure to lend a hand to weather presenter Nazaneen Ghaffar.

She had already told viewers that Will would be on hand to help her present yesterday’s forecast, but was forced to correct the former Pop Idol winner’s embarrassi­ng mistakes again and again.

She said: ‘Now don’t worry I’ll tell you what the forecast is, Will is going to point.’

Gesturing to Will on where to point, Naz tried to stifle her laughter as she informed the viewers that there would be ‘an outbreak of rain across England and Wales’ and Will enthusiast­ically circled a section of the sea.

When she announced that there were ‘going to be showers for Scotland and Wales’, Will couldn’t resist drooping his shoulders and pulling a grimace, before then mistaking Ireland for the Midlands and wrapping up with a bow.

Viewers took to Twitter but most were simply amused by Will’s gloomy efforts, with many poking fun at him and suggesting he sticks to the music.

One fan commented: ‘Probably don’t give up your day job, but good effort!’ A second agreed: ‘Geography’s not your strong point! Just keep singing, you’re great at that. Made me laugh,’ while a third joked: ‘Loved it – he made my Geography look good.’

Another couldn’t resist making reference to one of Will’s tracks, as they mocked the former Strictly Come Dancing contestant by tweeting: ‘Dare I say I think he better leave right now?’ quickly adding: ‘Love you @willyoung.’

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