Irish Daily Mail

Midday dinner is off the table as we now eat in the evenings

- By Leah McDonald

THE ‘plain people of Ireland’ no longer eat their dinner in the middle of the day, as Jackie Healy-Rae once famously put it.

Modern families living in urban and rural areas now eat their dinner between 6pm and 7pm, a survey has revealed.

Research carried out by supermarke­t chain Tesco reveals the habits and rituals of Irish families across the nation.

Half of Irish families have a set seat at the table, rising to 60% in Connacht and Ulster.

The urban/rural mealtime divide seems to be fading, as well with the majority of families, across the country, choosing to eat dinner between 6pm and 7pm.

At 38% of tables across the country the household chef is the last to take their seat and 33% of families have a rule to put away mobile phones during mealtimes.

Eating with your mouth open or loud chewing is by far the most annoying dining habit, according to 41% of the nation.

The research identified four distinct culinary tastes/types, showing that Irish people have become more adventurou­s when it comes to cooking as 44% of people described themselves as ‘The Culinary Adventurer’, experiment­ing with recipes from around the world.

The next most popular type was said to be ‘The Meat & Two Veg’, with 35% of people claiming they have simple tastes and opt for more traditiona­l recipes, while 13% described themselves as ‘The Picky Eater’.

Just 8% said that they were ‘The Wellbeing Warrior’ – the type who opted for a much more holistic approach to their meals.

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