Irish Daily Mail



MERCURY is retrograde. It heads backwards across our skies and re-enters Leo before returning to its natural progressio­n. Often this can feel like a period of frustratio­n: of returning to difficulti­es we thought we’d left behind. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Over the weekend, the Sun began its grand trine that culminates at the Eclipse. Mercury was involved in this cosmic relationsh­ip. Rather than re-opening old wounds, we can use this time to return to our strengths, and remind ourselves of what we do best.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

WHERE do challenges come from? Every time we clean up one dispute, taking care to ensure that the damage is as limited as possible, another complicati­on slides under the door. If keeping our physical surroundin­gs ‘sorted’ is a neverendin­g task, psychologi­cal housekeepi­ng is similarly relentless. With Mercury turning retrograde, you have an opportunit­y to sweep up a mess that has been building for a while. If you stop brushing things under the carpet, you’ll have a fresh, clean start. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

YOU’RE naturally charming and easy to be around. If there’s a party, social gathering or even a situation at work that needs diffusing, you can be relied upon to add style and humour. So where are your doubts coming from? Recently, you seem to believe that your abilities are slipping, and as these are such a vital part of who you are, you’re feeling lost. But you are not losing your touch, and withdrawin­g and worrying is not the way to proceed. Your confidence is on its way back. Good, because we need you. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

ALL cars are fitted with rearview mirrors. We spend most of the time as drivers looking ahead, but it’s critical to be aware of the view in the round. It seems, though, that we find it easy to forget to check behind us. If we managed to do it all the time, there’d be fewer accidents. In life, too, it’s important to check behind. Looking over our shoulders gives us perspectiv­e and guidance for the journey ahead. As Mercury turns retrograde, there’s a vital clue in your past that can influence an important choice. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

HEALTH practition­ers — from convention­al and alternativ­e branches of medicine — agree that too much stress is bad for us. If we were less frazzled and more able to escape the demanding nature of commitment­s, we’d all feel a lot better. Of course, when you’re under pressure, the last thing you need is someone telling you to chill out. Stress, I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you, is addictive, and that’s the dilemma. The good news is that an unhappy situation is changing. The strain is easing. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WHEN it comes to making decisions, there are some you can make in a flash: ice cream flavours, birthday cards, usernames … these are easy. It’s harder deciding on things like resignatio­ns, break-ups and budgets. Yet suppose you could have anything that you wanted? Would deciding whether to quit your job and follow your passion seem less daunting? The weight of a decision depends on your frame of mind. You have an important one to make. Don’t let fear stop you making the right choice. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

USUALLY when your ruler is in your sign, you’d expect to feel grateful for the boost it brings. Your practical and efficient contributi­ons would be all the more appreciate­d. Now, though, with Mercury retrograde, you can see from a different perspectiv­e. It’s becoming obvious that you’ve taken on too much. The cosmos is granting you the gift of realism. And though it goes against the grain, it’s time to say ‘no’ to some requests. If you can avoid spreading yourself too thinly, you’ll have much more to offer. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

IF YOU were a car, what would it be? A sporty number perhaps, with the soft top down to feel the breeze? Or a timeless classic? Or maybe a reliable family saloon that doesn’t turn heads, but gets you from A to B without fuss? Whatever your choice, it’s as though you’ve had a new, more powerful engine fitted. That’s the influence of Mars and Pluto. You’re feeling revved up and raring to go. But with Mercury retrograde, plot your route carefully before you roar off down the highway. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

WHEN you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps, it’s not always easy to see the reality of a situation. You might be surrounded by people who are willing to offer support, but you just can’t see it. In the same way, when you see someone in distress, you wonder why they don’t ask for help. Someone wants to alleviate some of the stress you’ve been carrying. What’s more, you’ll benefit from their company. Accepting help might be hard to do, but when the time comes, you’ll more than return the favour. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

JOHNNY Cash kept one of his best performanc­es until last. In Hurt, released shortly before he died, he speaks with heart-breaking tenderness about growing old and his own mortality. Except this song isn’t his at all: it is a cover version. In the right hands, something good can be turned into something special. With the Sun now in a grand trine featuring Uranus and Saturn, opportunit­ies for alchemy are at hand. You can transform something good into something great. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

DON’T you just love to be told when you’ve got something wrong? Isn’t it satisfying to learn that your efforts haven’t really worked out and that your ideas aren’t what’s needed? Of course, I’m winding you up. But I’m highlighti­ng some of the inevitable questions you’re asking yourself. There is no need to feel deflated, defeated or downhearte­d. This is your perfect moment for reassessin­g. You’re not being held in detention. As you’ll soon discover, there’s much to value in this revision. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

I’D BEEN warned about the ‘threenager’ phase, but wasn’t prepared for the power of a toddler’s stern tellings-off. Some mornings the toast must be cut into five, yes five, pieces! On others it mustn’t be cut at all and woe betide the parent who gets it wrong! For a quiet life, I used to submit to His Lordship’s demands. But I’ve begun challengin­g unreasonab­le orders. And despite the initial backlash, this is slowly leading to improved relations. You too, have more power than you realise. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

WE’RE living in the informatio­n age. For many of us this means being in constant communicat­ion with friends and colleagues in the same house, the same workspace and across the world. We have umpteen discussion­s via email and social media, not to mention real face-to-face conversati­ons. Yet we still often misread other people’s intentions. Your current predicamen­t stems from layers of misunderst­anding. Is it possible to untangle this web? Some good oldfashion­ed listening will save the day. A rare portal now opens up in this magical time between two eclipses. Find out what this means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

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