Irish Daily Mail

Rooney’s car passenger: ‘He doesn’t deserve any forgivenes­s’

- Daily Mail Reporter

THE woman who was sharing a car with Wayne Rooney when he was arrested for drink-driving, has said she does not think his wife Coleen should forgive him.

Laura Simpson, 29, was previously quoted as saying she left a bar with the former England captain hoping to ‘have some fun’ while his pregnant wife was in Majorca with their sons.

She claimed that they would have had sex had they not been pulled over by the police.

However, on yesterday’s This Morning show on ITV, Ms Simpson said she had no regrets as ‘nothing happened’, denying reports the pair kissed and cuddled.

When pressed by host Holly Willoughby whether she would ‘forgive and forget’ if she were in Coleen’s shoes, Ms Simpson said: ‘I don’t think he deserves ... it’s my opinion, I wouldn’t do that to my partner.’

The office worker previously said she chatted with Rooney at a bar in Cheshire earlier this month before taking a taxi together to a nearby house where she had left her car. Claims: Footballer Wayne Rooney with wife Coleen

As the player drove her home, police pulled them over because of a faulty brake light. He was allegedly over the drink-drive limit. Rooney, 31, was charged with drink-driving, and is due to appear in court next week.

Challengin­g Ms Simpson, This Morning presenter Ms Willoughby said: ‘As a female, you know, I wouldn’t get into a car with a married man.’

Ms Simpson said she was ‘a couple of drinks down’, and told host Phillip Schofield: ‘I wouldn’t be over the newspapers if I got into a car with you.’

He replied: ‘You bloody would. My wife would be all over you.’

Describing the night, Ms Simpson said: ‘It was a bit of a whirlwind…There was no conversati­on. We just ended up in my car after getting out of the cab.’ When questioned on what she had planned to do with Rooney, she replied: ‘Go home.’

She was asked whether she regretted her actions, but said regret was ‘a strong word for a situation where I don’t really think I did anything wrong’.

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