Irish Daily Mail

Joanna bright and breezy despite hate mail

- By Andrea Kissane

RTÉ meteorolog­ist Joanna Donnelly has told how she received a vile hand-written hate mail saying: ‘You’re not even a little bit attractive.’

However, she reacted with humour to the nasty note, tweeting: ‘In fairness I have lovely legs. Just can’t see them on TV. My mother would be furious and demand I have this fingerprin­ted.’

And she revealed that she and a colleague had laughed at the nasty note, saying: ‘I should elaborate that me and my colleague got a massive laugh from this last night.

‘Ah come on, I said, not even a BIT attractive-pmsl.’

The presenter shared the contents of the letter, which was sent to her this week, online.

It said: ‘Get off the stage, Donnelly. You work for Met Éireann. You’re a weather forecaster. That’s all. No big deal. Nobody is remotely interested in you or your lifestyle. You’re not even a bit attractive.

‘You’re obviously trying to break into the entertainm­ent/celebrity side of TV like some of your colleagues. Stick with your cushy job in Glasnevin. Yuk.’

The Dublin native has been working overtime of late with her coverage of Storm Ophelia keeping the country safe and informed.

Fans were quick to express their disgust at whoever had sent the letter, with one tweeting: ‘I just joined Twitter especially to tell you not to give 1 second thought to this horrible person!!!’

Ms Donnelly also received a very sweet letter earlier in the week from a little girl called Olivia, in Schull, Co. Cork. The youngster thanked her for ‘warning us all about Hurricane Ophelia and calling a red warning’ and for helping to keep her fishermen father and grandfathe­r safe.

Ms Donnelly is married to fellow meteorolog­ist Harm Luijkx. They have three children together.

 ??  ?? Shared letter: Joanna
Shared letter: Joanna

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