Irish Daily Mail

Boris: Trump right to ready for N Korea war

- By Larisa Brown

BRITAIN’S foreign secretary Boris Johnson will today suggest that Donald Trump is right to prepare for war with North Korea.

Mr Johnson will praise US secretary of state Rex Tillerson for opening the door to dialogue with Kim Jong-un, even though Mr Trump has said that negotiatin­g is a ‘waste of time’.

But Mr Johnson will also defend the US president for keeping military options on the table in order to keep America and its allies safe.

His interventi­on comes amid concern at what has been seen as inflammato­ry rhetoric from Mr Trump and Kim, whom the president called ‘Rocket Man’ after a series of North Korean missile tests.

Giving a speech at Chatham House in London, Mr Johnson will call for ‘toughness but engagement’ with Pyongyang to deescalate tensions. He will say: ‘It is right that Rex Tillerson has specifical­ly opened the door to dialogue. He has tried to give some sensible reassuranc­es to the regime, to enable them to take up this offer.

‘This is the moment for North Korea’s regime to change course. And if they do, the world can show it is once again capable of the diplomatic imaginatio­n that produced the nuclear Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty and that after 12 years of continuous effort produced the nuclear deal with Iran.’

But he will also stress the need to keep military options on the table, saying: ‘Kim and the world need to understand that when the president of the United States contemplat­es a regime led by a man who not only threatens to reduce New York to “ashes”, but who stands on the verge of acquiring the power to make good on his threat, I am afraid that the US president – whoever he or she might be – will have an absolute duty to prepare any option to keep safe not only the American people but all those who have sheltered under the American nuclear umbrella.’

He will also warn of the dire consequenc­es of failing to reach a diplomatic solution to the nuclear threat. ‘The memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is now literally fading from living memory,’ he will say. ‘The Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty is one of the great diplomatic achievemen­ts of the last century. It has stood the test of time [and] shows an unexpected wisdom on the part of humanity... It is the job of our generation to preserve that agreement.’

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