Irish Daily Mail

Weight to go! James sticks to Op Trans diet and is now two stone lighter


OPERATION Transforma­tion contestant James Patrice says he has continued his healthy lifestyle and has lost another seven pounds since the show finished.

The social media star has kept up his health and fitness regime after leaving the hit RTÉ show and feels better than ever almost two stone lighter from his starting weight.

Mr Patrice said: ‘In total I have lost 26 and a half pounds so I’m a pound and a half off two stone [loss].’

He took part in the fitness programme along with X Factor singer Mary Byrne, beauty expert Triona McCarthy, chef Gary O’Hanlon and singer Kayleigh Cullinan.

Known for his hilarious posts on Instagram and impression­s on Snapchat, James, pictured, had the biggest transforma­tion over the four-week series.

Mr Patrice said: ‘The whole thing is will you maintain it? You don’t have that pressure on you without the cameras so the temptation will be more.

‘But I actually find it a bit easier in terms of going about the day and making my food.’

But despite continuing to shed the pounds he is still allowing himself the occasional treat.

He said: ‘It’s great to ease back into normality so when you’re out and about you can have a glass of Prosecco.’

The Dubliner admits Celebrity Operation Transforma­tion was a very emotional process for him, saying ‘Oh my God, I was dehydrated every week with the tears coming out of me! ‘When you see people cry on the show before, some skeptical people might say, “oh, it is for show or whatever”. But it’s really not because when you’re there early that morning to be weighed in and then you’re waiting to be filmed, it’s a long day.’

And the celebs being snapped in their Lycra didn’t bother Patrice in the slightest.

‘I wasn’t ashamed of the picture. I just saw it as a sign of someone who took charge,’ he said.

People now stop him regularly to ask for tips about how to lose weight and he is happy to give support and practical advice.

‘If you realise that you need to do something, then you’re on the road already. It won’t happen overnight so the first few days you feel a bit annoyed and frustrated that you’re not seeing changes. You just have to be patient and drink water.’

Having worked as a backstage reporter for the Rose Of Tralee and as the social media ‘Glitter Guru’ for Dancing With The Stars, the 28-yearold is now keen to pursue a TV career.

‘The dream is to have my own latenight chat show,’ he said.

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