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FOLLOWING the movement of Mars into Libra over the weekend, the Sun moves out of that sign today.

When the Sun and Mars collude, our desires harmonise with our sense of purpose. It’s like dogs who’ve picked up a scent, and excitedly and purposeful­ly chase after something. So, now they’ve separated, will we be easily distracted by the smell of a cat and end up barking up the wrong tree? Not necessaril­y. Let’s not lose faith, and keep following our noses! Chances are, we’re on the right track.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

YOUR priority is clear. You’re focused on one goal and one goal only. All you want is to be happy and lead a contented, joyful life. That shouldn’t be hard to achieve. After all, we live in an abundant universe. There are self-help books and gurus aplenty – full of advice on how to find what we need. Inner peace is available to us all. So, what’s stopping you? There’s a chance that something that you think will make you happy is stopping you from achieving your goal. You can change it. Change your future! It’s your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Just call, then dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

IT’S time to draw the line. A situation has finally reached the point where you have to state your case and define your boundaries. You’ve been dragging your heels for a while, waiting, and hoping for things to change. It’s often easier to avoid dealing with a tricky scenario than to risk causing resistance or conflict. But you’ll find that your opinion counts for more than you think, and that others will happily accept and respect your judgment. If you summon the courage, you’ll reach a satisfying outcome. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

THE younger generation are often more radical than their senior counterpar­ts. Experience teaches us to work towards incrementa­l, rather than revolution­ary, change. Yet no matter how many miles you have on your clock, there’s an idea you feel passionate about. In order for it to succeed, though, you’ll need to make it appeal to a broad spectrum of people. No matter how fired-up you are, be sympatheti­c to the fact that you’re in a sensitive situation. Express your ideas with care. Lift your spirits! For your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, just call, then dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

HOW can you bring about the change you desire? Well, embracing the new and the different is a good place to start. If you’re willing to be open to off-the-wall ideas; and able to accept concepts that you’ve previously rejected as outlandish, you’ll soon find that hitherto unknown realms begin to open up for you. You only need to take a step towards the unfamiliar. You can start by doing just one or two things differentl­y. You’ll show the cosmos that, if change comes knocking, you’ll make it feel at home. Change your future! It’s your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Just call, then dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

SOMETIMES it’s best to stay silent. We have to button our lips and keep our points of view to ourselves. This is especially true in contentiou­s situations – where a mere word or two can be like a red rag to a bull. You have a choice about how to deal with the potential incendiary scenario in your life. Rather than add fuel to the fire, it’s worth taking a look at why and what you want to explain. Do you really need to get drawn into this debate? Letting go, though not easy, can be the wisest path to take. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

NOW that Mars has left your sign, life may start to feel as if it’s moving at a more manageable pace. Phew! Now, don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of reasons to appreciate the power planet’s energy. We all appreciate having more pep in our step. But you’ve been moving so fast it has been hard to focus. Your days have been whizzing by in a blur of busyness and activity. The change of pace will be restorativ­e. It’s time to absorb the impact of all that you’ve achieved. Oh, and relax. Lift your spirits! For your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, just call, then dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 6116.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

FOOD makes us feel secure. Imagine then, that change is like salt. When we have too much, it can make a meal totally inedible. But when there’s not enough, we’re faced with an unappetisi­ng dish. Like cooking, the art of life is about finding the right balance of flavours. Extremes tend to leave us with a nasty taste in our mouth. The situation that you wish to change doesn’t need the radical kind of decision that you imagine. A gentle shake will create the adjustment you need. Change your future! It’s your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Just call, then dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

YOU’RE in the driving seat. You’ve got your hands on the wheel, and your seat belt is in place. You’re ready to go. But, where are you heading? Do you have the destinatio­n clearly logged in your navigation system? It’s no use setting off unless you know where you’re going. This sense of urgency is fleeting. There’s no need to rush into making a decision. You’re being blessed with an opportunit­y to consider your options. Then you can set off on the road to somewhere you really want to go. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

THIS is a public announceme­nt. A member of the cast of your favourite TV show is unfortunat­ely unable to make it on to the set today. And you look just right to fill in the role. Would you mind dropping your plans for the day, and heading over to the costume department? Well, this fantasy may be a little too fantastica­l! But there’s a chance you will be in the right place at the right time to do something unusual and special. Watch out for a delightful opportunit­y. Lift your spirits! For your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, just call, then dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

YOU don’t like feeling obliged to do things. Being at someone’s beck and call makes you cross. Being indebted to someone, even owing them a favour, doesn’t sit well with you. You like to feel autonomous and independen­t. Yet right now, if you want to achieve something, you need some help. It’s not going to be possible to go this alone. It’s time to put your pride to the side. Just remember how you feel when someone asks you for assistance. Then, you’ll be able to ask for what you need. Change your future! It’s your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Just call, then dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

THERE are always people who need taking care of. It’s hard for you to close your eyes to the plight of others. Especially when you’re so capable. But surely they don’t all have to rely on you? Even you can run out of energy and ideas. And what happens when you’re the one who needs TLC? Could this be one of those times? Someone would like to help you today. After all the efforts you’ve made recently, you deserve to be pampered. A little rest can have a large result. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

NOT all relationsh­ips are easy. A degree of antagonism exists in many associatio­ns. But, that doesn’t mean that they are fundamenta­lly wrong. It’s easy to make a snap judgement and brand them undesirabl­e. But disparity and difficulti­es create opportunit­ies for discovery and growth. Sometimes, people with diametrica­lly opposed views are drawn to each other so they can be challenged. If you find yourself in a demanding situation today, it’s worth taking a moment to see what lesson it brings. Lift your spirits! For your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, just call, then dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611.

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