Irish Daily Mail


MY house is east/west-facing, so it gets a little dark, especially during the winter months. Even so, I rarely use the overhead lights, because they can be stark. Despite the pockets of shade they create, I prefer the throw of light created by lamps. Fo

- Calls cost 95c per minute. Mobile rates vary (Technical helpdesk: 0044 800 138 9789). TAURUS WE’RE bombarded Apr 21 — May 21 with images of people who appear to have it all. The rich, the successful or the born lucky. It’s enough to awaken the green-eyed

ARIES URANUS is in your Mar 21 — Apr 20 sign, and next weekend it will form a Grand Trine with Saturn and the Moon. It follows last weekend’s opposition of Venus with Uranus, and is a celestial alignment that breathes freshness and brings rejuvenati­on and inspiratio­n. Although you’ve been conscious of your desire to move on for some time, this alignment can finally be the spark that lights the fire. Throw off the old you, with your old problems. Just wait for what the new you is capable of achieving… Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction. Dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611. GEMINI WHEN two May 22 — June 22 people are in sync, they seem to know what the other is thinking, without needing to speak. This telepathic communion is a source of envy and wonder. But what happens when it goes wrong? If, in this non-verbal exchange, someone misunderst­ands, how long before the other realises and correct the mistake? Somewhere in your world, two wires are crossed. It’s not your fault – but it’s no-one else’s either. Communicat­e clearly and the situation will be easily sorted. Much can improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 1550 511 611. CANCER ALL you need to June 23 — July 23 do is put one foot in front of the other. Then repeat it with the other foot. And then the other. You’ve got it! As the Moon opposes Saturn, on its way back into your sign, where it links to Mars today, this is the only advice you need. The road isn’t a bed of roses. But, whatever you do, resist the temptation to turn back. Just keep walking. Have faith in yourself. As each day passes it’s getting easier. And, when you finally look behind you, you’ll see how far you’ve come. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 1550 511 611. LEO ‘ALL children, July 24 — Aug 23 except one, grow up’. So wrote JM Barrie, the creator of everyone’s favourite lost boy, Peter Pan. For some people, though, their inner child never quite leaves. They remain filled with wide-eyed wonder; delighted by simple things, and shocked by injustice. You’re one of the lucky ones. But you don’t need me to tell you that! It’s got you into trouble a fair few times and got you out of it just as many. To be young at heart is a virtue. Show your innocence and purity today. Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction. Dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611. VIRGO WE all carry our Aug 24 — Sep 23 history around with us. Whether positive or negative, it influences every decision we make. But you’re being presented with an opportunit­y to make a genuinely fresh start. That doesn’t mean throwing off past allegiance­s, or moving to a new continent. It’s more to do with your attitude and approach. Seize the new perspectiv­e you’re being offered. You’ll soon find that viewing the world from a slightly different angle can change it immeasurab­ly for the better. Dial in your date of birth for your spookily accurate LATEST Moon-sign forecast. For important news call 1550 511 611. LIBRA THE phrase ‘No man Sep 24 — Oct 23 is an island’ is popularly interprete­d as meaning that we all have connection­s and communitie­s that we can access. Yet the meaning extends to the influence we each have too. Every step you take has impact, both on others, and on the world around you. Though you might feel as if you don’t have much influence in a challengin­g situation, you’re not as invisible, or as incapable as you think. It’s worth making your voice heard today. Something can shift. Much can improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 1550 511 611. Oct 24 — Nov 22 SAGITTARIU­S MERCURY, Nov 23 — Dec 21 the messenger of the gods, has beaten a path to your door to make a special delivery. He brings a parcel filled with agility of mind, plus the ability to see a clear solution to a perplexing problem. So you’d better make sure you’re in to sign for it! Welcome this chance to see things differentl­y. You shouldn’t need to compete against background noises either. Conduct, rather than corral, and you’ll find yourself leading a well-tuned, harmonious choir. Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction. Dial in your date of birth! Call 1550 511 611. AQUARIUS THE old Jan 21 — Feb 19 adage, ‘Today is the first day of the rest of your life’ is true every single day. ‘Yes, that’s pretty obvious’, I can almost hear you say. But think about what that means! You have the power to seize the day, every day, and make your life what you have always dreamed. You don’t need a signal from the heavens to make that change. But, if you did, Venus’ change of signs today can be the spur you were looking for. The universe is looking very kindly upon a long-held ambition. Much can improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 1550 511 611. PISCES I HAVE a secret Feb 20 — Mar 20 yearning to go fishing. As a Piscean, I hope that doesn’t offend you! You can rest assured that your finned brethren are in no danger of being my dinner. As a fourth-generation vegetarian, my desire would surprise even those closest to me. It’s something I’ve never admitted, let alone attempted. But goals need to be articulate­d. So (as I measure myself for waders) I encourage you to say what you want, out loud, to yourself. There’s less stopping you than you think. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 1550 511 611.

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