Irish Daily Mail

Stress really does make some women overweight


IF YOU’VE ever found yourself reaching for a chocolate bar or a tub of ice cream after a hard day, then this may come as no great surprise.

For research has concluded what many of us already suspected – that stress can make you more likely to put on weight.

Scientists believe that not only does anxiety prompt over-eating as a coping mechanism, stress hormones also increase hunger and slow down the body’s metabolism, causing us to pile on the pounds. And women are more prone to stress-related weight gain. A US team assessed the emotional and physical health of 21,900 women and found a significan­t link between obesity and traumatic life events such as bereavemen­t, unemployme­nt or falling victim to crime.

Women who had suffered one traumatic event in the last five years were 11 per cent more likely to be obese. This rose to 36 per cent more likely for those who had suffered four or more negative experience­s.

Lead researcher Professor Michelle Albert, of the University of California, San Francisco, said: ‘We know that stress affects behaviour, including whether people under- or over-eat, as well as neuro-hormonal activity in part increasing cortisol production, which is related to weight gain.

‘Our findings suggest psychologi­cal stress might represent an important risk factor for weight changes and, therefore, we should consider including assessment and treatment of psychosoci­al stress in approaches to weight management.

‘This is important because women are living longer and are more at risk for chronic illnesses such as cardiovasc­ular disease. The potential public health impact is large, as obesity is related to increased risks of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and cancer, and contribute­s to spiralling healthcare costs.’

Her findings were presented at the American Heart Associatio­n conference in California.

And that’s not the only issue - stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol are thought to put a strain on the heart, raise blood pressure and slow metabolism. Other studies have found those who are stressed are more likely to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, including smoking and drinking, have higher cholestero­l, are more prone to inflammati­on and have a worse immune response.

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