Irish Daily Mail

The Elf on the Shelf craze wrecking Xmas

- by Kitty Dimbleby

DECEMBER is upon us, and with it come the flashing lights, technicolo­ur tat, unwieldy wishlists, mountains of mince pies — and now, a relatively new (and, in my view, unwelcome) ‘tradition’.

Acquainted with Elf on the Shelf? If so, I’d hazard a guess you’re in your mid-30s or early 40s with children still young enough to believe in Santa Claus. You’re also something of an Instagram or Facebook fanatic, subliminal­ly influenced by the stream of perfectly posed, heavily filtered, envy-inducing photos.

For that’s where the small, puppet-like doll is popping up — as it did last year. Indeed, you’re more likely to see pictures of the omnipresen­t elves than Santa Claus himself clogging up social media feeds daily.

This festive toy phenomenon began in America as a bribe to improve children’s behaviour during the run-up to Christmas. But it’s rapidly become yet another vehicle for spoiling kids and teaching them that consumeris­m is all.

It started as a children’s story of how Santa sends a ‘scout’ elf to check whether children are being ‘naughty or nice’ in the run-up to the Big Day. The book is sold with an elf puppet for parents to re-create the tale at home.

From December 1 until Christmas Eve, once the little darlings are in bed, parents place the elf in different locations around the house (posed doing something funny or naughty), so that he is somewhere new when they wake up.

Children are told the elf is magic and flies to the North Pole each night to report back to the big man, hence why he moves position each night.

Some parents also opt to leave small presents alongside the elf.

So not only do children receive a deluge of gifts on Christmas Day, they can now expect 24 ‘little’ ones — good behaviour pending.

The original tale was created by Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell in 2005, inspired by their own family tradition. The authors stress that the elves are not bought, but ‘adopted’ — the retail outlets selling the toys are called ‘adoption centres’.

But this comes at a price. At Smyths, the charming tradition (read: marketing ploy) will set you back €34 for the book and elf.

There’s also the option of a female elf.

Really enthusiast­ic parents (otherwise known as ‘those with more money than sense’) can splash out €15.99 on elf outfits from the ‘Claus Couture Collection’.

There are also elf pets, such as a reindeer, selling for €15 to €30.

On the official Elf on the Shelf website, there are countless extras offered to help you part with your cash — or, as they put it, ‘keep the magic going’ — from a Letters To Santa ‘kit’ at €29 (what happened to paper and felt-tip pens?), to Elf on the Shelf bedding.

It’s not just the horribly commercial aspect that troubles me, but also the added pressure on parents already under siege at Christmas.

Who has the time to trawl Pinterest to come up with a new ‘funny’ place or activity for the smug-looking snitch each evening? I just about manage to remember to brush my teeth before bed.

But it seems I’m in a minority, and I now have to brace myself for the daily social media deluge.

Since I’m a notorious over-sharer on Instagram, I make no judgment but to say: if this is meant to be something for the children, then why all the online posts?

Perhaps (whisper it!) some enjoy showing off what ‘fun’ parents they are.

So, this year, much as it might make me horribly unpopular with my five and two-year-olds, I’m refusing to bow to the elf peer pressure. Instead, they both have a traditiona­l advent calendar in an attempt to teach them that we try to be ‘good’ because it’s the best way to be, rather than in order to receive gifts.

I am also doing a reverse advent calendar. For each day of December, we are filling an empty box, selected from their toys, our wardrobes and kitchen cupboards, to give to those who need the contents more than we do.

Sadly, I suspect this idea will be slightly slower to catch on.

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