Irish Daily Mail


IF YOU walk through Lower Manhattan, it’s easy to feel dwarfed by the skyscraper­s. But nestled amid all the corporate madness stands St Paul’s Chapel. Located opposite the east side of the World Trade Center, it managed to survive the attack of September


ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

MY FOUR-year-old hasn’t quite got the hang of playing Hide and Seek. Not long ago, he would stand and count with me while I held my hands over my eyes and counted. Now he hides, in an obvious place, and takes delight in jumping out at me and giggling until he collapses with laughter. I’m reminded of this because everything that’s hidden is supposed to be found. There’s an area of your life that you’re called to explore, and there’s no need to feel unwelcome in this unfamiliar territory. A Lunar Eclipse and Venus changing sign means there’s love in the air. For a powerful personal prediction, call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

IF YOU could be

someone else for a day, what would you do? Would you behave differentl­y? Or go somewhere unusual? Actually, although you can imagine, you have no idea how you’d behave. We can only ever be ourselves. When there’s someone we admire, we often tend to emulate their example and negate our own experience­s. But you are at your wisest when you listen to your own judgment. Venus’s new position suggests that if you follow your instincts now, others will follow. Romance is in the stars this week, as Venus changes signs and a Lunar Eclipse takes place. For insightful news, call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

IT’S easy to be narrow-minded when it comes to ideas about destiny and good luck. When things don’t seem to be going our way, we can soon feel isolated and unloved. When our expectatio­ns are refined, the chances of them being fulfilled are small. How many tall, dark strangers have you come across recently? And just what’s wrong with short ones? Even though something (or someone) doesn’t look as though it matches your expectatio­ns, what’s happening now is meant to be. A Lunar Eclipse and Venus changing sign means there’s love in the air. For a powerful personal prediction, call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

WE DON’T always do things for the reason we say we’re doing them. Our motives can be hidden, even from ourselves. So when you see someone doing something that seems to be unkind and unwise, it’s worth asking them why they’re choosing to act that way. However they respond, it’s worth asking them again. If you persist and dig beneath the surface of what’s being declared, you’ll realise that there’s more going on than meets the eye. Your questions will have a positive influence. Romance is in the stars this week, as Venus changes signs and a Lunar Eclipse takes place. For insightful news, call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

IT’S one thing to have an answer, but how do you know which question it applies to? Someone’s expectatio­ns of you are clear, but are you sure what you want from them? Somewhere a new and bright vision of hope is beginning to grow. It’s an organic process that just can’t be rushed, so it’s taking a while to consolidat­e and take a form that you’re able to verbalise. This week you will be able to begin to identify your principles. Then you’ll find that you have the courage to give it form. A Lunar Eclipse and Venus changing sign means there’s love in the air. For a powerful personal prediction, call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

IT’S interestin­g that, in astrology, the planet Venus represents both luxury and love. Love is not, of course, a luxury, and no matter how luxurious your life might be, it’s no guarantee that there’s any love in it. Venus has just moved opposite your sign and made a dynamic square with Jupiter at the weekend. That’s no promise of wealth or happiness, but it does suggest that there’s a way to improve the sweetness of your life. Things are about to lighten up and go better than they have in a while. Romance is in the stars this week, as Venus changes signs and a Lunar Eclipse takes place. For insightful news, call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

WE ALL seem to categorise people inadverten­tly and enjoy it when others do the same. That’s why caricature­s are so popular. Thus Hollywood baddies wear black clothes (and often have Russian accents), whereas it goes without saying that real life is full of subtlety and degrees of grey. Much in your life may look different from how you’d like it to look, but could you be over-dramatisin­g a situation? With a change of perspectiv­e, you’ll be able to identify the true heroes – and the villains. A Lunar Eclipse and Venus changing sign means there’s love in the air. For a powerful personal prediction, call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

MARVIN GAYE sang Wherever I Lay My Hat (That’s My Home). Following the Sun’s links to Jupiter in your sign, it has become important for you to focus on your home life and what family means to you. No matter how far we travel, we can’t escape our roots, and when we find ourselves in inhospitab­le places, it’s often the experience­s with the people we’ve been closest to that help us through. If you’ve been feeling ill-at-ease, now that Venus has changed signs, you should feel more at home. Romance is in the stars this week, as Venus changes signs and a Lunar Eclipse takes place. For insightful news, call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

WOULD you be better off creating a dream home in your imaginatio­n or building a tree house? This isn’t a case where practicali­ty wins over fantasy. Dreaming is an essential part of life and it’s a gift that needs to be enjoyed. Your creativity is being highlighte­d with Venus’s change of signs. That means you can create a castle in the sky if you want to. Your well-being is dependent on how happy you are, not the kind of abode you’re living in. Enjoy your creative powers. A Lunar Eclipse and Venus changing signs means there’s love in the air. For a powerful personal prediction, call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20


problem in front of you, how much attention should you pay it? Just enough to make sure that you do what you need to do to take care of it, but no more than that; certainly not so much that you cause yourself anxiety. As long as you feel as though you can cope with the consequenc­es of your actions, all is well. It’s when your sense of calm begins to disappear that you need to consider your commitment. Although it might not be obvious to you, you have the freedom to choose now. Romance is in the stars this week, as Venus changes signs and a Lunar Eclipse takes place. For insightful news, call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

SOMETIMES what looks like a failure is actually a success. What seems like a disappoint­ment can lead to an unimaginab­ly good outcome; it’s just that the route was not the one we expected it to be. We often use the terms ‘success’ and ‘failure’ before we’ve seen how things are going to turn out, but time gives us the opportunit­y to see things differentl­y. When you have reason to celebrate (which you will have very soon), it’s not about winning or losing, it’s about enjoying. A Lunar Eclipse and Venus changing sign means there’s love in the air. For a powerful personal prediction, call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

IF YOU had to choose between loving contentmen­t or passionate adventure, what would you choose? The two are not always easy to combine – especially when it comes to close relationsh­ips. Initial excitement might burn with a fiery intensity, but with the best will in the world, it’s almost impossible to sustain. You’re faced with a choice between playing it safe or taking a risk. If it’s advice you’re looking for, all I can tell you is that an element of the unknown gives the future potential for fun. Romance is in the stars this week, as Venus changes signs and a Lunar Eclipse takes place. For insightful news, call 1550 511 611.

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