Irish Daily Mail

Thief with a bread knife caught thanks to bandage

- By Isabel Hayes

A ROBBER who threatened a tourist with a bread knife and stole his mobile phone was caught after an identifyin­g bandage on his hand gave him away to gardaí.

Lee Murray, 22, was arrested a few hours after he robbed the iPhone 7 from his victim at Hanover Street East in Dublin on June 23, 2016.

The victim told gardaí the culprit had a bandage on one hand, and officers hunting for the robber stopped Murray when they saw he had a hand injury. He immediatel­y admitted to the crime, led gardaí to where he had hidden the phone and apologised in person to his victim.

Murray, of Sheepmore Lawn, Blanchards­town, Dublin, pleaded guilty to one count of robbery.

He was sentenced to 20 months in jail by Judge Martin Nolan at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court yesterday.

It was heard that Murray – a father of one and heroin addict with 24 previous conviction­s – was attacked and suffered stab wounds two months after the robbery.

Judge Nolan said Murray’s behaviour on the day gave him no choice but to impose a custodial sentence. ‘For the injured party, this was a terrifying experience,’ the judge said.

The court heard that the victim was originally from London but was visiting Ireland for work. He was walking along the street at around 10pm when he was approached by Murray, who pointed a bread knife at his chest and demanded his wallet.

The victim said he feared for his life and gave over his wallet, which had no cash in it. Murray then demanded his phone, before telling his victim to ‘run away’. He threw his bank cards back at the victim before fleeing.

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