Irish Daily Mail

Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist


Linda Mooney is a leading angel therapy practition­er with fifteen years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of angel therapy helping people to engage with their angels to find inner peace and healing. Email Linda at or write to Linda Mooney, Irish Daily Mail, Third Floor, Embassy House, Dublin 4


Dear Linda, I have family circumstan­ces at the moment, that I can’t go into. I do my best to support the situation. I am the only person supporting one of my relatives. I have a few health issues that I don’t wish to burden other family member with. We are all very stressed and emotional. However I was recently verbally abused by the person I try to support most and am broken by it. I don’t deserve it, and I know this person is stressed but I don’t feel that justifies the behaviour. What are your thoughts? I


DEAR I. There are times in all of our lives when we hurt the ones we love the most, unintentio­nally. As you say, the situation is stressful all round for the family and emotions are running high. However you cannot expect this family member to read your mind about your health issues. You are not doing yourself any favours keeping this informatio­n to yourself and are obviously suffering in silence. Your first priority is to yourself — if you can’t make it right for yourself you can’t make it right for anyone else. Lay your cards on the table — perhaps you are stretching yourself too thin? Ask yourself is it actually you and not this family member that is expecting too much?


Families are earthly soul groups who choose to be together for various reasons and purposes. Sometimes families become riddled with fear, and become unbalanced and unpleasant. Yet, each family is always supported by a base of divine love that can never be shattered or exhausted. You are an angel within your family because of your desire to amplify this love. Focus upon the truth within your family; angels watch over you, and God’s love permeates every situation.


(RETREAT) Spend some time alone in quiet thought. Clear your mind, focus on your truth and priorities. Are you pushing yourself too hard, beloved child of God? The angels remind you that rest is a natural cycle in every living thing. Think of the mighty oak tree that grows in spurts and then rests. It draws it nourishmen­t from deep within the earth, and takes its time before growing upwards again. Like the oak tree, it’s important for you to nourish yourself with spiritual and emotional “food.” While you are resting, take time to reflect on your heart’s true feelings and desires. Your angels speak to you through your heart, and when you listen and honour your feelings, you walk handin-hand with God and the angels. You will know that it is through divine guidance, and not just your imaginatio­n or wishful thinking if it speaks of your desire to make a difference.


(FOUR OF AIR) It’s time to rest. Take a holiday, or just create time to regroup and rejuvenate. Retreat from the world and any stress or concerns. If you’ve been ill, focus upon healing and don’t rush back into action. You need some time alone. This situation requires significan­t reflection on your part. Meditation may provide the answer.

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