Irish Daily Mail

Woman loses court claim over fall in pub

- By Helen Bruce

A 28-YEAR-OLD woman who fell down a flight of stairs at a pub after her stiletto heel allegedly caught on a step has lost her claim for damages in the High Court.

Antoinette Johnston had gone to a pub with her boyfriend to watch a football match on February 7, 2016, the court heard. The pub toilet was down three flights of stairs, and some time after 10pm, she went to use the facilities.

She had reached the second flight when she fell to the bottom of the stairs after the heel of her shoe got caught, the court heard. She was attended to by a musician who had paramedic skills.

Ms Johnston was taken to hospital where it was found she had fractured her ankle. She underwent surgery and had to take four months off from her job as a cleaner. In the High Court she had argued that a standard strip fitted to the edge of the step ‘caught her heel’ and caused her to fall.

However, Clondalkin Taverns Ltd – owner of The Village Inn, Clondalkin, west Dublin– said the step was not defective, and that her fall had been caused by her heel breaking.

In his judgment, Mr Justice Kevin Cross said the way the accident had happened was ‘highly unusual’ and ‘not foreseeabl­e’. He said he could not find that the pub had not taken reasonable care, and dismissed the case.

Ms Johnston, of Kilmahuddr­ick Road, Clondalkin, will now be liable for the costs of the one-day High Court action.

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