Irish Daily Mail

Fronds for life

Lush houseplant­s such as ferns add a calm energy to your home – and they’re the height of fashion right now, says Monty Don


ONE of the many advantages of growing older (knees are not among them – it is always a gardener’s knees that go first) is that you become immune to the vagaries of fashions. Sooner or later what has been around before in your life is hailed as the latest thing and then disappears. But, for what it’s worth, I’m told that houseplant­s are trendy. Which means I am right up there with the latest trends because the Don family has been on a bit of a houseplant splurge recently, although this is mostly down to my wife and her impeccable good taste.

On the whole I prefer houseplant­s that do not rely upon flowers for their effect. Having rich green foliage growing healthily indoors adds a dimension of vibrancy that flowers do not provide. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule and everyone will have a different opinion, but by and large foliage plants are easier to grow in average living spaces and create a calm energy that radically improves the human condition.

Ferns are among the most accommodat­ing of plants for low light levels and either extreme humidity such as a bathroom or very dry conditions. The bird’s nest fern, Asplenium nidus, both in its regular form and the wavy-edged ‘Crispy Wave’, has thick, glossy leaves that are very tolerant of a wide range of conditions other than direct sun. Ideally it will be placed in an area with a constant temperatur­e of about 20°C and high humidity. Outside a bathroom this means a daily misting, and a hand-held mister is an important accessory for many houseplant­s. It should be watered 2-3 times a week in summer and around once a week during the winter.

I love the delicacy of the maidenhair fern, Adiantum raddianum ‘Fragrantis­simum’. No plant has more seemingly fragile foliage yet it is, given the right conditions, quite robust. It comes from shady tropical and subtropica­l regions of Australasi­a and America and needs to be constantly moist – so is ideal for a small bathroom. The roots should be moist but not wet so do not leave it standing in a saucer after watering.

We have two asparagus ferns: A. densifloru­s which is from the ‘Sprengeri’ group and has distinct plumes, and A. setaceus (aka A. plumosus), which has very similar foliage to the vegetable asparagus. Both of these like to be above 10°C and to be kept misted but not wet in winter, with more frequent watering in summer. Along with the maidenhair fern, these two plants add a really good lightness of touch to any collection of houseplant­s you may have.

We have a couple of spider plants, Chlorophyt­um comosum ‘Variegatum’. One is modest but the other has really thrived over the past year and has lots of plantlets growing from dangling stems. These plantlets can be cut and placed onto a pot of free-draining compost, where they will quickly root. Or they’ll form roots in a jar of water while still attached to the parent and then can be cut and potted on to make a new plant. As well as being easy to propagate, the spider plant is one of the easiest houseplant­s to grow, as it tolerates almost any situation and puts up with neglect. It can handle temperatur­es down to freezing but doesn’t like to be too hot, 18°C is plenty, and should be out of direct sunlight. The biggest problem is overwateri­ng, but do mist it daily.

Finally, we have succumbed to an aspidistra. These became immensely popular in the Victorian era because they will grow in deep shade and, as long as it is frost free, a wide range of temperatur­es. Like so many houseplant­s, the greatest harm is from overwateri­ng and it can be left dry for quite long periods. It is quite expensive and slow growing but will last a lifetime.

 ??  ?? Monty with some of his ferns and spider plants
Monty with some of his ferns and spider plants

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