Irish Daily Mail

Proving why she’s a J-Law unto herself


THE enviable list of freebies included in the Oscar nominees’ goodie bags includes holiday to Tanzania and Greece, spa breaks, and the very Hollywood-inspired phobia-relief treatment and anti-ageing supplement­s. Still, it was another item that caught my eye: everyone who excelled in the film industry last year received an edible jewellery box. I know that celebrity diets can be a bit bonkers, but surely that’s taking faddy eating to a whole new level.

I’VE always liked the cut of Jennifer Lawrence’s jib – not least for her cheerful response to constantly falling over at awards ceremonies – but her antics on Oscar night have moved her to an even higher level in my estimation. Not only did she rock the most gorgeous dress of the night, but lifting it up in order to clamber over the seats – while balancing a glass of wine – truly makes her a girl after my own heart.

NOW that the snow is finally clearing in my back garden, I’m stunned at how dirty the place looks. Not alone are layers of dog poo now being unearthed, but huge amounts of bread and nuts ignored by the fussy birds are also scattered everywhere. It’s all decidedly unappetisi­ng – unless there’s a chance I might also unearth the Tara brooch as the final layer of snow lifts, I’m not going out there anytime soon.

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