Irish Daily Mail

Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist


Linda Mooney is a leading angel therapy practition­er with fifteen years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of angel therapy helping people to engage with their angels to find inner peace and healing. Email Linda at or write to Linda Mooney, Irish Daily Mail, Third Floor, Embassy House, Dublin 4


Dear Linda, This year’s big snow will be remembered by many for lots of reasons. However, I will remember it for the year I found out my husband of one year was unfaithful to me. During the bad weather, he had become moody and withdrawn. I put it down to cabin fever, and since he is always out and about and busy with work I thought nothing of it. Then he went for a walk and left his phone behind. Several texts came in and it started to ring non-stop. Thinking it may be urgent I decided to check it out.

To my shock and horror the calls and texts were from a woman he had been unfaithful with during our engagement. It was obvious the affair had never stopped. So far I have been unable to let him know I am aware they are still seeing each other and he continues to act as though nothing is wrong. During his unfaithful­ness, he promised me it was a mistake and if I didn’t cancel our wedding I had his word he would never see the woman again.

I feel like a fool, devastated, betrayed and heartbroke­n. Please advise. H.


Dear H, It seems that in your husband’s case the spots on a leopard never change. The sooner you bring the situation out in the open, the sooner you can get over this and heal your hurt. Your husband has treated you very badly and lies and love are not good bedfellows. It’s time for him to face the music.


As you go through this period of change, it’s natural for you to wonder if your future is safe. The angels are here to assure you that you are part of nature’s cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. To bring in your desired newness, you must first allow old patterns of your life to fall away. These changes are to be celebrated, not feared.


You have asked for Heaven’s guidance, and it is given. This situation isn’t right for you. Trust your gut feelings, since that is how the angels communicat­e with you. Don’t worry that this situation is the only opportunit­y available to you. It isn’t. There is something better waiting for you, but first you will have to free yourself.


You have been asking God and the angels, ‘What is next for me?’ Yet, they have been waiting for you to make that decision for yourself. The angels can help you to decide, but ultimately, the next chapter is up to you. And remember: if you don’t make a decision that’s the same as deciding that everything stays the same.

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