Irish Daily Mail

I’m not going to feel one bit guilty about my new bingeing habit!

- Sallyanne Clarke’s

SOMETIMES life calls for escapism, whether it’s with a glossy magazine, a riveting read or some great TV.

I have to admit I’ve found my guilty pleasure courtesy of the latter. I discovered it the week of the snow. Derry and I are officially hooked on Game of Thrones. It is fascinatin­g, and the fact that it has all been shot in Ireland makes it even more appealing.

When we went to visit the Titanic Exhibition in Belfast last year, we attempted to catch a glimpse of the set to see what was going on, but we were turned away. Now that I’m a fully-fledged fan, I may be returning to partake in one of the official tours, which look incredible.

We watch three episodes at a time when we come home from work some nights. We are literally losing sleep to see what happens next! God bless people with imaginatio­ns who come up with such creativity. I personally do not possess such a gift.

My only quibble is that I feel it’s a little too cruel and gory in parts. I love detective and crime series and have no problem with blood and guts, but GoT pushes things a little further. With the added suspense, I find myself looking through my fingers just as I did when I was a child.

It’s not stopping me watching though and I am gradually catching up to the current series. The only problem with that is very soon we will have to wait for each episode to be aired on a weekly basis — meaning our bingewatch­ing days are numbered.

In the meantime, we will continue our nightly marathon-viewing for as long as it lasts. It is nice bonding time and I love that we are watching it together. So many of my friends watch TV in one room while their partners watch their programmes elsewhere in the house.

With all the stress that comes with life and the harrowing events that are going on in the world, a fairytale story is just what’s needed, and I am not going to feel guilty for really enjoying it.

Speaking of fairytales, I have been crossing my fingers and praying that some pleasant spring weather will come to us very soon. With this in mind, I recently paid a visit to Marks & Spencer to see their new lingerie and swimwear range.

I bought some new pyjamas and slippers too, but the real reason I went shopping was for underwear. I have a few parties and weddings coming up and, before I start looking for something to wear, I really needed to upgrade my not-so-smalls!

On the day of my shopping excursion, I made an extra-special effort with my hair and makeup and made sure I had a pair of heels with me in case I spotted any nice dresses to try on too. I’m a firm believer that people should dress up when they go shopping for clothes.

And needless to say, supportive underwear is a must in order to make an informed choice on the shopping day.

There are times when online shopping is very convenient, but when it comes to purchasing something special, there’s nothing like shopping in a store where you are able to check out all the different styles and sizes before you buy.

Whichever way you prefer to shop, remember the golden rule of fashion — don’t scrimp on what you cannot see.

Good supportive underwear is so important — and often forgotten. It can completely change the look of your outfit and will instill a confidence that no fancy necklace can offer.

It’s a valuable lesson taught to me by my always-chic Mum, who herself was in the fashion industry for many years.

She is fond of telling anyone that will listen about how vital scaffoldin­g is in order for every outfit to look its best.

Stock up for spring, ladies!

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