Irish Daily Mail

So was the West right to bomb Syria then?


WE know that Trump is an accident no longer waiting to happen and Emmanuel Macron is that shy yet confused juvenile. Theresa May is up for anything which takes minds off Brexit. So what happens next?

There is not a shred of evidence that so-called chemical weapons were used in Syria last week yet missile attacks with unspecifie­d content have been fired at that long-suffering country in a savage attack by US and European countries with the sanction of the EU.

Thank goodness those mentioned will always be too cowardly to attack Russia because that great country can never be beaten.

We in Europe are blessed to have Russia, surrounded as it is by those who dream of destroying them with even more fearsome nuclear weapons while confident that this will never happen as the Bear remains unbeatable.

Such a reality is vital to the safety of our continent despite the US and its cronies believing Europe is just a satellite willing to carry out the bidding of America.

Assad never wanted war. It was forced upon Syria, not least by the urging of the US towards rebels and assorted terrorists to put in place regime change more to its own liking. ROBERT SULLIVAN, Bantry, Co. Cork. ...NOW I am no military strategist nor have I any fondness for the Syrian regime, but when Trump declared, ‘Mission accomplish­ed’, I had too wonder, what mission? He declared last Sunday that there would be an attack on Syria, but it took six days to happen.

One presumes the Syrians are not idiots and would have moved anything worth saving, including personnel away from the research centres that would obviously be the targets of any attack. It seems to me to be a huge case of chest thumping and grandstand­ing.

MARTIN STRINGER, Barnacogue, Co. Mayo. ...TWITTER rules state that users are forbidden to ‘make specific threats of violence or wish for the serious physical harm, death or disease of an individual or group of people’.

So why hasn’t Donald Trump’s account been suspended? He has tweeted threats to the Russians about employing nuclear missiles as revenge for the attack in Syria.

Last year he threatened to ‘totally destroy’ North Korea yet Twitter turns a blind eye.

TONY SMITH, Kettering. ...THE Bible includes the quote ‘an eye for an eye’ and this seems to be the current solution to the problems in Syria.

But there should be some considerat­ion of the rest of that quote ‘…But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.’ The Koran adds, ‘But whoever gives charity, it is an expiation for him’.

There is already too much sadness from the bombings as no matter where or for what reason innocent people – often children – are injured or killed. It is still time for talking and diplomacy even if it takes a long time.

Many leaders and tyrants have found you cannot beat people into agreement, only submission.

We must all keep looking for peaceful solutions. DENNIS FITZGERALD,

Melbourne, Australia. ...THERE has been much moaning and braying from the usual suspects on the left, here and abroad, claiming there is a lack of evidence for the gas attack in Douma, Syria, on April 7.

Funny how these same selfappoin­ted guardians of public morals stay quiet whenever there is an atrocity committed by Syrian leader Bashar Assad but wail louder than an air-raid siren whenever the west launches bombing raids.

They’re more than happy to lap up everything the Russia authoritie­s say yet are worse than any Greek sceptic philosophe­r when it comes to any pronouncem­ent from Donald Trump, Theresa May or Emmanuel Macron.

Sometimes, folks, someone has to say enough is enough and stop dictators like Assad.

All the evidence in Douma points to him. JP O’SHEA, by email.

You can’t be serious

TOM Burke’s letter (Friday, Irish Daily Mail) states that ‘if we vote for Repeal it will allow the Oireachtas to vote for abortion (or not) and it is by no means certain that our legislator­s would vote for abortion’.

Is he seriously saying we should vote for repeal and depend on our legislator­s not supporting abortion up to 12 weeks for any reason, as has been stated by the Government? That we should remove the only protection now in the Constituti­on for the baby in the womb and hand over to politician­s to decide on this vital matter? MARY STEWART (Mrs),

Donegal town.

That’s unforgivab­le

A FLYER from the local gym dropped through my letterbox. ‘Bring Your Incredible,’ it urged.

I put it in a drawer next to the leaflet from Sky headed ‘Believe in Better’. Later, I passed a billboard advertisin­g Toyota cars with the slogan ‘Start Your Impossible’.

Planet Advertisin­g seems to have dropped nouns. So if you know the person who started this fad, give them a kick, preferably ‘Up the Unmentiona­ble’.

JIM SOAR, Tonbridge, Kent.

 ??  ?? Air strikes: Syria came under attack
Air strikes: Syria came under attack

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