Irish Daily Mail

The one lesson I’ve learned from life

- Nicki Chapman Interview: LIZ HOGGARD

TV PRESENTER Nicki Chapman, 51, started out in PR, before making her name judging ITV reality shows Popstars and Pop Idol. She now hosts the BBC’s Escape To The Country and Wanted Down Under and presents a regular radio show. She lives with her husband, a music executive.


WORKING with artists such as the Spice Girls, Annie Lennox and Take That, I’ve spent a career telling people — in the nicest way — to embrace every opportunit­y and not to live with regret. And yet, I didn’t take my big chance.

In my early 20s, I was asked if I’d like to try out to be a children’s presenter and I said no. I was at the BBC with one of my bands and they said: ‘Why don’t you come in and do a showreel for us?’

I’d never wanted to be in front of the camera — I always saw myself as the coach, rather than the player. But, in my mid-30s, the opportunit­y came around again, when I was asked to be on Popstars. I told them: ‘I never went to university — I’m not a journalist,’ and they said: ‘That’s why we’re interested.’

I thought: ‘What have you got to lose? Go for it.’ So I gave up a good job to leap into the unknown. No one really knew about reality talent shows in 2000.

We had no idea how big it was going to be. There was no social media. My passport into the show was my music expertise. It wasn’t how I looked.

Then, when I joined Pop Idol, along with Simon Cowell and Pete Waterman, it went through the roof.

When the series ended, I was selfemploy­ed. I’d just bought a new house, mortgaged to the hilt. Not my finest hour. I had to think: ‘I don’t have any work at the moment. But I will have.’ Six months later, I was offered [property TV series] Escape To The Country.

Sometimes, we’re scared to do things, so we don’t bother. So my mantra is: ‘Know no fear of failure.’ I don’t moan. If I don’t like something, I’ll reframe it. I try to look for the win in every situation. Even if you’re going through a tough time, you should always hope the next day is going to be slightly better.

I look in the mirror and think: ‘OK, not bad for 51,’ because we have to accept it. We’ve got to learn to love who we are. We only have one chance at life, so seize it. O NICKI CHAPMAN hosts the BBC’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show, May 22-26.

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