Irish Daily Mail

Maestro of Moon River



Was Johnny Mercer the most prolific songwriter ever? JOHNNY MERCER (1909-1976) was a prolific lyricist, who wrote at least 1,400 songs including hits such as Jeepers Creepers and That Old Black Magic.

However, the title of most prolific songwriter must belong to Irving Berlin (1888-1989), who was responsibl­e for more than 3,000 songs, including many that define the US, such as God Bless America and White Christmas.

They were both part of Tin Pan Alley, the group of New York Citybased songwriter­s who dominated popular music in the US in the early 20th century.

Mercer was also a composer and fine singer who recorded his own material. While his name is not as well-known as the likes of Oscar Hammerstei­n II, Irving Berlin and Cole Porter, most people will recognise his songs.

Hooray For Hollywood, which featured in the 1937 movie Hollywood Hotel, is the soundtrack for the Academy Awards ceremony. His stunning Moon River, with music by Henry Mancini, as sung by Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany’s, won best song at the 1962 Oscars as well as the Song Of the Year Grammy.

Other Mercer classics include One For My Baby (And One More For The Road), Days Of Wine And Roses, On The Atchison, Topeka And The Santa Fe, And The Angels Sing and Ac-Cent-TchuAte the Positive.

He wrote for 100 films, won four Best Song Oscars and was nominated 18 times. He wrote 23 theatre shows, including St Louis Woman and Li’l Abner, and was co-founder and president of Capitol Records. Irving Berlin was one of the few in Tin Pan Alley who wrote lyrics and music. Though he never learned to read music beyond a rudimentar­y level, he composed hits including Anything You Can Do and There’s No Business Like Show Business. Describing his work ethic, Berlin stated: ‘Sometimes I turn out four or five songs a night, so you can imagine how many bad ones I write.’

Simon B. Bowdler, London SW15.


Into what caste would a convert to Hinduism be put? THE question is irrelevant as you can only be born into the Hindu faith, though you can follow the Hindu way of living. I am a Hindu and during my university days, I had the chance to spend time in the Geeta Bhawan temple at Rishikesh on the shores of the River Ganges in India.

There I met a renowned professor in religious studies. I asked him whether a person of another religious faith could convert to Hinduism. He said that if you are born Hindu, you will remain Hindu and will die as Hindu, according to the Shastras (sacred scriptures). You could not become Hindu from other faiths. Though you could choose to follow the Hindu way of living, you would not be treated as a Hindu.

I married a practising Christian and was advised later in life by gurus that if she wanted, my wife could follow Hinduism, but could not become Hindu.

On the other hand, my children can be classified as Hindus.

Dr Prem Ohri, Bangor.


Does the Queen own all the swans in Britain? THE Queen owns any unclaimed mute swan (Cygnus olor) in open water in England and Wales. From the 12th century, swans were considered a mark of nobility. They were eaten as a special dish at feasts, particular­ly at Christmas. Forty swans were ordered for Henry III’s Christmas celebratio­ns in 1247.

To protect swans as an exclusive commodity, unavailabl­e to commoners, Edward IV approved An Act For Swans in 1482, which set out that only the king or wealthy landowners could own them.

The legislatio­n held that any swan held by a commoner could be seized by a member of the aristocrac­y ‘whereof the King shall have one half and he that shall seize, the other half’.

An aristocrat’s ownership of a swan was confirmed by carving his family emblem on the bird’s upper beak. The right to own swans was also granted to the Vintners and Dyers, major livery companies in the 15th century. This was probably used to strengthen the relationsh­ip between the Crown and the powerful trade guilds.

The monarch appointed an officer as Master of the Swans. The name was later changed to the Queen’s Royal Swan Marker and the current office holder is David Barber.

Every year in the third week of July, in a colourful 800-year-old ceremony, representa­tives of the Crown, Vintners and Dyers sail up the Thames in a flotilla of skiffs, in a week-long census known as Swan Upping. Swans are rounded up, caught, ringed and released. Simon B. Bowdler,

Sudbury Suffolk.


Other than cricket, are there other examples in sport of ball tampering? FURTHER to the previous answer, which highlighte­d the use of the spitball in baseball, there was a corporate ball tampering scandal in Japan, where baseball is the national sport.

In 2012, all the balls in Japanese profession­al baseball were tampered with. Ryozo Katothe, commission­er of Nippon Profession­al Baseball, resigned when it was discovered the league had conspired to ‘adjust’ the official balls.

During that season, the number of home runs increased by 40%. It soon emerged that the match balls had been designed to have more bounce. Paul Lewis, Sheffield.


What is a polliwog? FURTHER to the earlier answer that discussed the alternate use of polliwog (a tadpole) as an initiate in the Crossing the Line (the Equator) ceremony, another term for the novice was ‘griffin’.

Charles Darwin described his experience as a griffin when crossing the line on the Beagle in 1832.

He noted how he ‘was then placed on a plank, which could be easily tilted up into a large bath of water. They then lathered my face and mouth with pitch and paint, and scraped some of it off with a piece of roughened iron hoop.

‘A signal being given, I was tilted head over heels into the water, where two men received me and ducked me. At last, glad enough, I escaped . . . The whole ship was a shower bath . . . not one person, even the Captain, got clear of being wet through.’ Beth Gayle, Portmadog, Wales.

IS THERE a question to which you have always wanted to know the answer? Or do you know the answer to a question raised here? Send your questions and answers to: Charles Legge, Answers To Correspond­ents, Irish Daily Mail, Embassy House, Herbert Park Lane, Ballsbridg­e, Dublin 4. You can also fax them to 0044 1952 510906 or you can email them to A selection will be published but we are not able to enter into individual correspond­ence.

 ??  ?? Best song: Audrey Hepburn singing In Breakfast At Tiffany’s
Best song: Audrey Hepburn singing In Breakfast At Tiffany’s

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