Irish Daily Mail

Trump should get a Nobel Peace Prize!

South Korean leader says US president deserves it

- Mail Foreign Service

SOUTH Korea’s president has said Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons programme.

‘President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize. What we need is only peace,’ Moon Jae-in told a meeting of senior secretarie­s, according to a presidenti­al official who briefed media.

Mr Moon and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un pledged on Friday to end hostilitie­s and work towards the ‘complete denucleari­sation’ of the Korean peninsula in the first interKorea­n summit in more than a decade. US President Mr Trump is preparing for his own summit with Mr Kim, which he said would take place in the next three to four weeks.

That upcoming meeting was the main subject of a private Contender? Donald Trump walk and chat that Mr Kim and Mr Moon had during their meeting at the border, the official said.

In January, Mr Moon said Mr Trump ‘deserves big credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks. It could be a resulting work of the US-led sanctions and pressure’. Mr Moon’s Nobel Prize comment came in response to a congratula­tory message from Lee Hee-ho, the widow of late South Korean president Kim Dae-jung, in which she said Moon deserved to win the prize in recognitio­n of his efforts, the presidenti­al Blue House official said. Mr Moon responded by saying Mr Trump should get it. Kim Dae-jung championed the policy of engagement with North Korea, and won the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize after engineerin­g the first inter-Korean summit with former North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il. From ‘rocket man’ to peace maker? – Page 13

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