Irish Daily Mail



MARS is hanging still in the sky. For a planet so primed for action and energy, it’s a somewhat unnatural moment of stasis. Like a coiled spring, it will soon burst forth, so we need to be aware of the building tension. As Venus and Jupiter’s alignment peaks today, it brings a chance to roam and find the room to manoeuvre as we shift through emotional gears. It’s a time for generosity and demonstrat­ive sharing. Any goodwill that’s fostered now will be reliably supportive in the weeks to come.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 AS your ruler Mar21—Apr20 appears stationary, it brings an ideal moment to make some final checks before setting off on a new journey. There are questions you want to ask and situations that need verificati­on before you can wholeheart­edly put your trust in them. There’s no harm in looking for a catch in the opportunit­y that’s presenting itself. Nothing in this world comes without ties and challenges. But as the cosmos presents you with a pause, you can finally let go of a problem. Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier, more harmonious life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 I’M STRUCK by the teenage-like behaviour of pre-school kids. They act as if they have such authority! Did we stride around as if we owned the playground? Probably! Yet their fragility is hidden just below the surface; it doesn’t take much for the tears to appear and the need for a hug. Although we grow older, we don’t change! We all appreciate the comfort of someone with more authority when things get tough. If you can put your pride away, a powerful figure can help you today. The Full Moon brings potential for transforma­tion. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 IF YOU’VE ever relied on a satnav, chances you have a story to tell. I recently ended up at the bottom of a tiny lane looking at the motorway I was hoping to join; while a friend was taken on a detour through a multi-storey car park! The machines we use to help us aren’t free from problems. Yet when you’re lost on a country lane they’re worth their weight in gold. This week, you’re being offered assistance of a celestial kind. Enjoy the advice it brings and the journey it takes you on. Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23 BEING in debt of any kind brings its challenges and worries. But if the debt is emotional, it’s more fraught with problems. It’s not easy to escape from a sense of being beholden to someone. Even if you were to experience a streak of financial luck today, it might not affect the feeling of being bound to someone in a way that makes you feel disadvanta­ged. Yet as Venus and Jupiter link, there’s an opportunit­y to move on from a psychologi­cally demanding situation. Don’t

worry, just trust. The Full Moon brings potential for transforma­tion. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 KIDS love constructi­ng things. You can imagine the mix of anxiety and delight I felt as my son built a tower from the objects on a table at a restaurant the other day. He balanced a cup on top of a saucer and then put the sugar bowl on that. It was the salt that caused the inevitable collapse! If you find yourself delicately attempting to balance a number of people and their needs now, Mars is providing you with some time to pause and reassess your position. You can let something go. Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier, more harmonious life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23 IF THE popularity of baking shows is an indication of kitchen habits, you’d think we were all spending our time covered in flour and proving dough. I’m a follower of recipes myself; I don’t have the knowledge to be able to extemporis­e with a recipe. It’s more than just having the right ingredient­s. You need to add them in the right order, too. You’ve been putting a lot of effort into creating something recently, but it’s as if something has been missing. It won’t come out how you want it to. You can fix that today. The Full Moon brings potential for transforma­tion. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 AS Jupiter and Venus link today, I’m tempted to tell you to do what you’re good at. But then, suppose you’re good at worrying at the moment. I wouldn’t want to advise you to do that. Some folk are experts at complainin­g, which isn’t what the cosmos has in mind either! But, then, I’m writing this for you, so I don’t have to worry. You know what you’re good at doing. Your ability to empathise with other people is a gift. Just do that today and you’ll be successful as well as popular. Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier, more harmonious life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22 AS Mars appears to slow down in the sky, you can still proceed, but in a more relaxed and nonchalant way. Even if other people are piling on pressure to rush, you can take your time. If you focus on enabling things to keep moving, that will be enough. You don’t have to instigate changes or attempt to control the speed of events. If you feel anxious about an apparent lack of progress, it’s only temporary. Actually, this slowdown is an essential part of the process. Enjoy it! It won’t last long. The Full Moon brings potential for transforma­tion. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 IMAGINE two people sitting down to have an important, long-overdue conversati­on. One asks the other to tell them a story about themself that will shed light on their personalit­y. In response, the person replies by saying: ‘Once upon a time two people were sitting down to have an important, long-overdue conversati­on when one person asked the other to tell them a story.’ If you recognise a sense of ridiculous repetition, be patient. You’ll soon break free of it. Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 CAPRICORN folk are sometimes accused of being pessimists. It’s most unfair. You’re pragmatic and realistic. When something appears difficult to you, it’s because you’ve assessed it well and it truly is difficult. It is a silly person who looks at a complicate­d scenario and thinks that it will be easy. On the other hand, if you think that a goal is within reach, you’ll say so, and put the effort in to achieve it. That means that we can all rest assured that your faith in a positive outcome can be trusted. The Full Moon brings potential for transforma­tion. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 TEACHING a kid to tie shoelaces is harder than we think. There are so many loops and crossings over and under that it’s tricky for little fingers to master. Then, once they’ve mastered the technique, they’ll never have a problem with it again. Life often presents us with challenges that we struggle with, only to assimilate the learning and move on, with a new feather in our cap. How easy is it going to be for you to learn something new today? Very easy indeed. And fun too! Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier, more harmonious life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 THE late, great comedian Spike Milligan once gave advice about seasicknes­s. If you want to cure it, he suggested, try sitting under a tree. Hilarious and wise advice! Of course, if you find yourself doing something that makes you feel unwell or in an awkward situation, you should move and put yourself somewhere that’s more comfortabl­e, where you feel better. There’s always an alternativ­e. It’s just a case of looking for it. As Venus and Jupiter link today, another option appears just when you need it. The Full Moon brings potential for transforma­tion. You can change your life. Your spookily accurate forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

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