Irish Daily Mail

Shh! Help! I’m getting spots in midlife — what can I do?

- by Inge van Lotringen

QI AM in my 40s and I have started to get breakouts that leave my delicate skin congested in places. Should I try microderma­brasion, which a friend has suggested? A NO! DON’T do it! Microderma­brasion is an abrasive peeling treatment that works for very congested, oily or scarred skin, but when it is used on dry or fine skin it can quickly lead to inflammati­on and broken veins.

And like any gritty scrub, it should never be used on active acne because it will exacerbate inflammati­on. I would try HydraFacia­l

(hydrafacia­ instead. After a peel with modest levels of retinol and glycolic acid is applied to prep skin for deep cleansing, it hoovers out pores with a suction tool.

It then treats skin with a jet of pressurise­d, bespoke serum containing ingredient­s such as salicylic acid (to decongest), hyaluronic acid (to plump) horse chestnut seed and red algae extracts, zinc and magnesium peptides.

It doesn’t scratch and irritate delicate skin, but does work deeply in the pores to unblock, peel and drive in the powerful active ingredient­s.

There are several treatments and I have the Skin Health for Life version with a cocktail of cell stimulants. It feels rather pleasant; the jet tickles a bit but is also soothing.

Over time, the HydraFacia­l Acne and Congested Skin treatments (from €150) should re-balance your skin. Your breakouts should start to reduce after two sessions.

Lots of people are developing spots at your age, with the main culprits thought to be stress and pollution. Seek out skincare with salicylic acid, antioxidan­ts and calming azulene to settle your complexion.

INGEBORG VAN LOTRINGEN is beauty director at Cosmopolit­an.

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