Irish Daily Mail

Soul Guide

- LINDA MOONEY Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist Linda Mooney is a leading angel therapy practition­er with 15 years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue, an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of a


Dear Linda, I have being seeing a married man for the past four years. He says he and his wife have not been happy for years. They have no children and he always wanted to be a parent. His wife has refused to go for any tests and he says she is very career-orientated and committed to her job. My situation has now changed drasticall­y, as I have discovered I am pregnant. I have been unable to tell him for fear of losing him.

I don’t want him to think I have trapped him but I won’t be able to hide my pregnancy for much longer. I have no intention of having a terminatio­n but don’t know how to tell him. G.


Becoming a parent is the greatest gift you will ever receive, as long as you are committed. You already have made that commitment. There is no way out of your situation except to be up front and honest.

Your fear of losing him is understand­able, and while it may come as an initial shock, it takes two people to conceive a baby and he must accept his part, role and responsibi­lity. He may very well want to be part of this baby’s life. A decision needs to be made sooner rather than later.


Sometimes life feels as if it’s at an impasse while we await Heaven’s next instructio­n. By drawing this card, however, Heaven asks, ‘What do you want?’ Sometimes the Universe asks us to be the decision maker, and this is one of those times. Instead of passively allowing life to push you around like a canoe without oars, you’re counselled to take charge and set your own course.

Know that Heaven gives you all the resources you need to pull yourself out of any situation, as long as you make a firm and clear decision. Let go of all fears or worries, and focus only on the destinatio­n you intend to reach. Enjoy the journey along the way.


The angels want to boost your confidence and relieve you of worries about this situation. Part of the process involves holding positive visions for yourself and the other people involved. When you expect the best, you inspire the best in yourself and others

The situation depends on your faith in, and a firm vision of a successful outcome. The angels can help you hold a high and clear vision of success. Just ask them for help and it is done.


Another definition for fairness. It’s when all parties involved surrender their personal agendas in favour of the greater good for the whole group. Why not surrender your attachment to a specific outcome, and instead, direct your holy will towards a resolution?

Hold a firm vision of a peaceful outcome, and let the pieces fall into place.

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