Irish Daily Mail

The rise of female INFIDELITY

As research shows more and more women are having affairs, a provocativ­e book claims to lay bare what’s behind...

- by Wednesday Martin

WHEN the passion died away Erica didn’t want to give up on her marriage.

She still loved her husband, but neither was she prepared to forgo a satisfying love life. Instead, after years of sexual disappoint­ment, she took an unpreceden­ted course of action — she went online to look for a lover.

‘One day I’d just had it. I really wish I could remember what exactly caused me to search online for “someone” because that is not like me at all,’ says Erica, 46, who went on to have a passionate affair.

Georgie, aged 53 and married for 25 years had a similar experience. ‘I finally decided after many years of no sex that I deserved to have my needs met,’ she said.

Meanwhile Tiffany, 47, confessed she had also gone looking for a lover because: ‘A lack of sex drove me crazy.’ These are just some of the real women’s voices and stories I encountere­d when researchin­g my new book on female infidelity — which experts believe is on the increase.

For many, being unfaithful in whatever form is an unthinkabl­e betrayal of marriage vows, yet in some ways these women are not exceptiona­l. In good jobs, often with children in what they said were otherwise happy marriages, sometimes Mass goers, infidelity wasn’t something they’d considered before.

Their problems — unfulfilli­ng routine sex, or no intimacy at all with husbands or long-term partners, or a craving for sexual variety and novelty — are far from unique. Crucially, none of these women wanted to give up on their marriages or loved their husbands any less.

Yet they were tempted to look elsewhere

for sexual fulfilment when perhaps, in the past, they would have just put up with it.

Women like the lady in her early 60s, who told me frankly, when she learned I was writing a book on women’s infidelity, ‘I want to have sex all night long. Just not with my husband!’ Or the dozens of other women I interviewe­d who said a version of the same thing: ‘My marriage is pretty great. But I think about other men all the time.’

It seems more and more women are prepared to act on those thoughts and seek sexual satisfacti­on outside of marriage.

Women are now 40% more likely to cheat on their husbands than in 1990.

Many experts suggest that in reality the figures are likely much higher, because there is still a stigma associated with women who admit to infidelity. (One study found that up to 50% of women admit being unfaithful to a partner at some point.)

Men used to cheat at much higher rates compared to women — but this ‘infidelity gap’ between the sexes appears to be narrowing all the time. As women grow increasing­ly vocal about telling the world what they don’t want they may feel more comfortabl­e telling the world what they want. For many, it will not be monogamy.

Georgie, Tiffany and Erica, who took part in a recent study by sociologis­t Dr Alicia Walker about women looking for trysts online took a pragmatic, ‘my needs first’, approach to solving their sexual issues.

They looked for men with the physical attributes they desired, and avoided those who seemed emotionall­y needy or who were looking for relationsh­ips.

If a man’s performanc­e didn’t match up to expectatio­ns or he started getting too close they would move onto the next one without a second thought. They did the same when the feeling of exhilarati­on about being in a new sexual partnershi­p faded.

Having chosen a husband or partner who did not satisfy them sexually, they were not going to make the same mistake in their affairs.

As Heather, 43, who also took part in the research, observed:, ‘I try to find men who won’t be clingy, and just want great sex.’

Some experts told me the infidelity gap is closing partly due to more women being out in the workforce. In work we have an increased exposure to potential sexual partners, more time apart from spouses, more travel opportunit­ies (people tend to have flings when they travel), and a greater financial independen­ce, which can make getting caught seem like less of a potential catastroph­e.

Technology may also be helping women when it comes to sexual exploratio­n, with various social media platforms and apps affording us discreet opportunit­ies for infidelity. But acting on your desires requires having desires.

SO HAS there been a shift in the way women experience desire? After all, this contradict­s what we’re told so often about a women’s sexuality — that it’s women who have lower libidos than men, or are the ones who go off sex in relationsh­ips.

But new research is now helping us rediscover the truth about the female libido that had been forgotten due to hundreds of years of social convention and strict morality codes that ostracised women who are unfaithful or merely sexual.

What I’ve discovered — by talking to women (aged 20 to 93) who’ve either cheated on their partners or considered it, and investigat­ing scientific and evolutiona­ry theories — is that women’s libidos are far stronger and more adventurou­s than we thought.

Until recently, women have tended to blame themselves for a lack of desire. Psychologi­sts and other experts are suggesting, however, that it’s not that women lose interest in sex per se — it’s that they simply stop being interested in sex with their other half.

Marta Meana, a professor of clinical psychology, is following 19 women in a long-term study about low desire. They are all in enduring relationsh­ips they describe as happy. She agrees the issue of a sinking libido isn’t one of hormone levels or because it’s a turn off if he doesn’t pull his weight at home, but the fact that women are just more likely than men to lose interest in the same partner.

She says: ‘Marriage itself tends to make routine what was once transgress­ive and sexy in ways that especially impacts women, “over familiaris­ing” our spouses in a fashion that we struggle with.’ Meana’s work suggests we women long for and respond to lustful gazes from strangers.

Her findings and other data contradict everything we’re told about women needing intimacy and familiarit­y to feel sexy.

While none of her study group have actually been unfaithful she says: ‘So many women experienci­ng low desire in long-term partnershi­ps know that if they did step out, their desire would probably be back “like that”.’

While we tend to assume that men like to ‘sow their wild oats’ but women search for ‘the one’, some scientists suggest that it’s women, more than men, who actually need “the new” when it comes to sex. A 2017 study of more than 11,000 men and women, aged 16 to 74, found women who lived with a partner were twice as likely as cohabiting men to lose interest in sex.

Another survey found that in the first three years of a relationsh­ip, women were roughly twice as likely as men to become sexually bored.

One experiment led by biopsychol­ogist Dr Meredith Chivers, involved men and women being shown pornograph­ic films while their physical responses were monitored.

Fascinatin­gly, the bodies of women who described themselves as heterosexu­al responded to just about everything they saw, whether it was straight, gay or lesbian sex. Straight men, meanwhile, had narrower tastes — their bodies more predictabl­y turned on by men and women, or women and women.

Dr Chivers, told me that not only does recent work in this area suggest that women’s desires are broader than previously thought, but that their libidos are also stronger than we’ve been led to believe.

In another experiment male and female participan­ts watched an erotic film and then assessed their inclinatio­n to have sex.

Men and women reported almost identical degrees of desire. Another test revealed that female participan­ts were just as turned on by the prospect of sex with a stranger as straight men were. According to Dr

In the first three years of a relationsh­ip women are twice as likely to become sexually bored

Chivers, the key to understand­ing the difference between men and women, is understand­ing the difference between responsive desire and spontaneou­s desire.

WHILE men may experience more spontaneou­s desire — they can go from 0-60mph very quickly — when it comes to responding to erotic stimulatio­n women show levels of passion that rival, if not outdo, the men.

But why would women crave variety? After all since Darwin it’s been accepted that a woman is biological­ly programmed to seek out one mate who can provide for and protect her while she brings up her babies.

Meanwhile, men are designed to spread their genetic material far and wide. If they have affairs it’s because their evolutiona­ry make up means they just can’t help it. Right?

Yet, the latest evolutiona­ry research turns that whole idea on its head.

In fact, some scientists now suggest that it’s women who need new experience­s to keep interested because of how things went in our evolutiona­ry pre-history.

It turns out, there are sound evolutiona­ry reasons why we are are programmed to get bored making love to the same man and lust after others.

Forget the popular image of the fur-clad caveman going off to hunt while his woman looks after their baby, there is a growing theory among anthropolo­gists that we evolved not as monogamous pairs but as ‘co-operative breeders’. In this way of life, loose bands of men and women raised their young collective­ly, and very likely mated with multiple partners.

For early humans, female promiscuit­y was, under certain circumstan­ces, a smart reproducti­ve and social strategy.

A way to increase the likelihood of getting high-quality sperm and maximizing the chance that numerous males might be willing to support her during pregnancy and protect and feed her and her offspring.

It makes a lot of sense. Sleeping with a number of men, hedged against a single partner with poor fertility, could increase chances of being impregnate­d at your fertile time.

There’s also a theory that the unpredicta­ble nature of a woman’s orgasm, the female capacity for multiple orgasm, and the need for cumulative stimulatio­n to have an orgasm (‘build up’) was biology’s way of encouragin­g us to have sex with a variety of men in rapid succession.

If one man couldn’t give us sexual satisfacti­on in a single copulatory bout, perhaps another or another few could get us there.

It may be a comfort to many despairing wives to learn that their ‘disinteres­t in sex’ is actually sexual boredom, and is a likely part of a woman’s biological make-up — and not because they don’t love their husbands.

FOR centuries the script has been written for us: women — unlike men — are not meant to be sexually voracious and we’ve been brought up to believe sexual satisfacti­on is not something we should be actively seeking out.

As more and more women now start to assert themselves in this area of their lives, some find themselves breaking society’s taboos — whether through infidelity or exploring more open relationsh­ips.

Many more are keen to make convention­al, monogamous marriages work.

Dr Lisa Diamond is a professor of psychology and gender studies and she says it is still possible to keep the spark of excitement alive.

A strong predictor of desire in long-term relationsh­ips, she told me, is when couples make an effort to do something new together.

‘I’m not talking about just sex,’ she says. ‘It could be skydiving, or taking a dance class, or going on a zip line.

‘When couples participat­e in new and thrilling activities together, they often report a resurgence of puppy love from seeing their partner from a new angle.

‘And the simple fact is that our partners don’t stay the same over time.

‘If we want to be monogamous, we can look for and find novelty in that same person.’

ADAPTED by Clare Goldwin from Untrue: Why Nearly Everything We Believe About Women And Lust And Infidelity Is Untrue by Wednesday Martin, published by Scribe on October 11 at €18.10. © Wednesday Martin 2018.

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