Irish Daily Mail



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THE power of ‘three’ has been understood for millennia. From Caesar’s ‘I came, I saw, I conquered’ to Tony Blair’s ‘Education, education, education’, it has permeated ideas and rhetoric over the ages. We all know that things come in threes. So it’s significan­t that the Stellium, which begins to form today, sees first the Sun, second Jupiter and third Mercury all converge in Sagittariu­s. This cosmic event comes liberally coated with luck. There will be plenty to remind us that three really is the magic number.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

WE ALL have times when we’re feeling low and isolated. In our frenetic world it seems to be easier than ever to feel disconnect­ed and washed up, like debris from an ocean on the coast of a foreign land. Sometimes it seems as if, no matter how hard we work to explain ourselves to other people, we speak a different language. Every now and then, though, something happens that makes us feel peaceful, watched over, and loved. Something or someone is looking out for

you today. It’s a time of unusual cosmic activity as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. Maximise its powers. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

IT’S SO frustratin­g when you want change, but whatever you do, things seem immovable. Perhaps you’re just stuck with the old adage that ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’. So, what are you supposed to do if you want to break the cycle? Want everything to be the same? No! That’s not going to help! Actually, this oddly familiar sense of déjà vu is just giving you a last chance to check out an old scenario. The drama you’ve had enough of is on its way out of your life. Opportunit­ies arise as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. For news about the good fortune it can bring, call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

LIKE photograph­ers who use filters to enhance an image, the way we apply (and misapply) our assumption­s drasticall­y colours the way we see the world around us. Without even realising, we bring things and people to the foreground, or blur them into abstractio­n. We see through rose-tinted spectacles or magnify issues out of all proportion. What’s more, at such times, it’s hard to remember that there are other ways of seeing the world. For a true impression, focus on what’s actually before your eyes today. It’s a time of unusual cosmic activity, as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. Maximise its powers. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

REAL pros exude an air of confidence and make whatever they’re ‘expert’ in look easy. Their secret? They do the preparatio­n and the groundwork so that everything is shipshape. Only when it’s all perfectly in place can they act with the poise and assurednes­s that comes from someone who has worked hard to get things right. And today, as the Stellium begins to form in the sky, there’s a chance to gain a big step forward in a direction you want to go… but you have to begin the hard work first. Opportunit­ies arise as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. For news about the good fortune it can bring, call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

SOME people’s evaluation­s are based on pure pragmatism. Others draw on more abstract and adventurou­s kinds of divination. They cover their eyes. They wish for a sign. And, when they uncover them, they assume that whatever’s before them is the inspiratio­n they’ve been praying for. This sometimes, of course, goes disastrous­ly wrong. Most of the time, however, it works like clockwork. You know which group you fall into. But you may not know that your instinctiv­e responses are soon to be rewarded. It’s a time of unusual cosmic activity, as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. Maximise its powers. Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

SINCE we all know that love makes the world go around, why are we obsessed with money? If we’re supposed to spread love and happiness, why are we stressed and surrounded by misery? The difference, in your world, between ‘the official line’ and the ‘reality’ of a situation is so distinct it seems incredible you’re the only person to notice. Would life be simpler if you could believe things are the way they are being painted? No. The more real you are, the better you’ll be. Opportunit­ies arise as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. For news about the good fortune it can bring, call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

CAREFUL! Where’s your oxygen tank? Surely you’re not just breathing normal air? How passé. No-one worth knowing would be seen dead without their oxygen and designer mask these days. OK, so the world hasn’t quite deteriorat­ed into this state, but, unfortunat­ely, it’s not that hard to imagine, is it? Yet, frustratin­g as it must be to certain individual­s, there remain a few vital things the Earth generously bestows for free. Money will not buy resolution, today, but you can almost effortless­ly solve an irritation. It’s a time of unusual cosmic activity, as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. Maximise its powers. Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

WOULD you mind explaining your intentions? It’s interestin­g to note how in certain situations you come across with strength and determinat­ion yet at other times you’re amazingly obscure and indecisive. There are some subjects that you just really dislike discussing and some situations that you find particular­ly uncomforta­ble. You’ve found yourself out of your comfort zone recently and want to slip back in ASAP. Yet, there’s something that needs to be set right. Opportunit­ies arise as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. For news about the good fortune it can bring, call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

OUR world seems to be full of online forms to fill, with drop-down menus, and places to tick our preference­s and confirm our details. I’m not even going to mention the nightmare of rememberin­g your password, or having to prove that you’re a real person by copying something unreadable and therefore uncopyable. You might be struggling to know the best thing to do and what to avoid. But, as the Stellium forms, you’ll find a way to do your best, and that will be more than enough. It’s a time of unusual cosmic activity, as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. Maximise its powers. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

IT IS important to be able to say no. We need to be able to stand tall and hold true to a position we believe in, even in the face of opposition. Yet, every time someone asks for a favour, we perform a small internal assessment along the lines of ‘who’s asking?’, ‘is it a fair request?’, ‘what will happen if I refuse?’, ‘will I upset them?’ Then, we weigh up our responses and make an educated decision. No-one’s demanding that you compromise today. But if you do, the result will be favourable. Opportunit­ies arise as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. For news about the good fortune it can bring, call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

IF YOU could see the future, you’d race to meet it with open arms. That’s not to say that it will be free from challenges and tensions. Or that you’ll be rid of all your worries. But deep joy and magic await. The sense of apprehensi­on you’re currently wrestling with has been created by an awakened memory which has stirred a feeling of nostalgia. That’s why the past seems reassuring­ly familiar. Yet, as the Stellium forms, it brings a sign. When you look again, remember that it’s all going to be fine. It’s a time of unusual cosmic activity, as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. Maximise its powers. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

AT THIS time of year, each day seems to bring more to think about. Informatio­n comes in, your understand­ing increases and you have to appraise situations with a slightly different perspectiv­e. As the Stellium forms in the sky, you need to take still more knowledge on board before you’ll be able to make the decision you want to. So, for now, you just need to stay as open-minded as possible and be as confident as you can be. The forces that you’re bending to are acting in your favour. Opportunit­ies arise as a powerful Stellium forms in the sky. For news about the good fortune it can bring, call 1550 511 611.

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