Irish Daily Mail

Oh Bobby! What happened to our clean-cut hero?


DALLAS star Patrick Duffy looked worlds away from his oil baron character Bobby Ewing, as he made his first appearance in sitcom American Housewife in December.

The 69-year-old actor, pictured in his TV prime, left, was almost unrecognis­able in the sitcom, right.

Although the fine-featured bone structure was still in evidence, Duffy sported long white hair which he had pulled into a tight ponytail. And his clean-cut good looks had been obscured slightly by a beard, albeit a neatly trimmed one.

Duffy appeared in ABC series American Housewife as the father of lead character Katie Otto for the episode Saving Christmas.

The episode saw his character Marty surprise his daughter (Katy Mixon) for Christmas, only for the mother-of-three determine to keep her father away from her mother (played by Wendie Malick), from whom he separated many years ago. Now fans are hoping that Duffy’s seasonal turn may become a regular feature of the sitcom. The series follows Katie as she struggles to deal with the arrogant housewives and privileged kids who people her new life in an upper-class town in Connecticu­t.

Katie must also juggle family life, raising two daughters and a son with her academic husband (Diedrich Bader).

The cast of regular characters is rounded out by Katie’s friends, strict mother Doris (Ali Wong) and divorcee Angela (Carly Hughes), who offer her tips on how to deal with motherhood.

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