Irish Daily Mail

Mayoral problem


I HAVE been informed by one of our local county councillor­s that Sligo voters will not be allowed to directly elect our mayor in next year’s local elections.

The reason given that Sligo does not have the population for this to happen is a lame excuse to deny us our democratic rights as voters and Irish citizens.

Yet central Government will allow other cities the right to elect their mayor, but not Sligo. This is blatant discrimina­tion against the Sligo people and makes us second class citizens, contrary to our rights under the Irish Constituti­on and the 1916 Proclamati­on that states all children of the nation should be treated equally.

Why are our local and national politician­s not up in arms about this? Why are they not fighting our corner on this matter?

Sligo has been without a mayor since the urban council was abolished some years ago by central Government. I want a mayor, as do the people of Sligo, but one elected by us the people not one rubber-stamped by the politician­s in Sligo with the approval of the Minister for the Environmen­t in Dublin.

We keep hearing that Big Brother in Dublin is listening to the needs and wants of people. So why is central Government deaf to the pleas of Sligo folk?

When we all cry out for a mayor elected by the people for the people, this is democracy in action.

In finishing I’d like to thank the councillor who gave me this informatio­n for his honesty in informing me of the situation and his frankness, which is rare for a politician these days.

The fight goes on until we get the right to elect our own Sligo mayor like other Irish towns and cities.

I will not be voting in the next local election as I don’t see the point when I cannot vote for a mayor here in Sligo as they can in other cities in Ireland.


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