Irish Daily Mail

A dastardly No-Deal trick up BoJo’s sleeve?

Johnson is accused of plot to stop MPs voting

- Irish Daily Mail Reporter

Throwing the Irish ‘under the bus’

BORIS Johnson is being accused of hatching a plot to suspend the British parliament in late October – a move which could prevent MPs stopping a No-Deal Brexit.

Campaign aides to the Tory leadership contender have played down the claims.

However, Mr Johson’s team is said to be looking at scheduling a Queen’s speech for early November, according to Sky News.

The UK parliament would be unlikely to sit for a week or two ahead of the speech, which could hamper MPs’ chances of blocking a No-Deal Brexit if a deal had not been passed by that point.

A source close to his campaign said the team was ‘discussing everything as an option’, but added that Mr Johnson wanted to secure a deal with Brussels and avoid a No-Deal exit.

Tory former minister Guto Bebb, a prominent Remain supporter, said he believed Mr Johnson’s campaign was ‘quite seriously contemplat­ing’ proroguing the UK parliament. He told Sky News: ‘If you decided to do a Queen’s speech in early November, you’d prorogue parliament in midOctober so we didn’t sit for the final two weeks in October.

‘It would basically mean that a No-Deal Brexit, which has no democratic mandate whatsoever, would be imposed upon the people of this country without this house sitting. And I think that would be an outrage to our democratic traditions, it would be unacceptab­le and the worst part is I believe they are quite seriously contemplat­ing doing just that.’

Unlike contest underdog Jeremy Hunt, Mr Johnson has refused to rule out suspending parliament to force Brexit through against the will of MPs.

On Monday, he said the problem with the Irish backstop was ‘fundamenta­l’, and suggested he would not accept tweaks such as a time limit or a ‘unilateral escape hatch’. Former UK attorney general Dominic Grieve accused Mr Johnson of further radicalisi­ng on Brexit and leaving the UK with ‘starker’ prospects by trying to appease hardliners in a strengthen­ing of his stance on the backstop agreement between the UK and the EU, which rules out a hard border on this island in the event of a No-Deal Brexit.

Mr Grieve also accused Mr Johnson of making a ‘disgracefu­l’ suggestion which would ‘spell the end of democracy as we know it’.

Yesterday, Mr Grieve warned whoever becomes the next UK prime minister that their government will collapse if they pursue a No-Deal departure from the EU.

Mr Grieve said Mr Johnson confirmed that hardliners would ‘put up another obstacle’ if anyone was able to solve the issue because it is being ‘used as an excuse because of this radicalisa­tion’. ‘When challenged and confronted, he radicalise­d even further and excluded any possibilit­y of trying to negotiate some way out of the backstop at all. It had to go in its totality,’ Mr Grieve said. ‘The consequenc­e of that is [to] make... the choices starker and starker.

‘I’ve always been willing as a politician to listen to people willing to come up with credible compromise­s, but what I’ve found so staggering about the Conservati­ve leadership [contest] is it has been played to a tune of growing extremism,’ the Tory MP said.

Speaking alongside Mr Grieve at a second referendum campaign event, Labour MP Margaret Beckett called the candidates’ backstop pledges ‘terrifying’ and accused them of throwing ‘the Irish situation under a bus’.

The veteran politician added: ‘I think that’s an extraordin­ary demonstrat­ion of lack of responsibi­lity to the country.

 ??  ?? ‘Delay’: EU Commission chief-elect Ursula von der Leyen
‘Delay’: EU Commission chief-elect Ursula von der Leyen

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