Irish Daily Mail



THE Lunar Eclipse doesn’t offer limitless power; which, of course, is a good thing, since ‘power corrupts’. But powerlessn­ess breeds listlessne­ss. We need to feel invested in our future in order to be motivated towards our goals. So, as Venus moves opposite Saturn before harmonisin­g with Neptune, we must recognise that it’s a long road ahead. Metamorpho­sis takes time. But the journey is heading to a fabulous destinatio­n.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

CRISP and clear. Settled and sorted. Clean and tidy. What lovely phrases! Don’t you just wish you could apply them to your life? Yet, when all of your energy is focused on sorting out a matter that’s driving you to distractio­n, they seem tantalisin­gly out of reach. I wish I could tell you that it was going to be resolved today. Before that happens, though, a process which is in progress needs to play itself to its conclusion. Until then, your best bet is to learn to live with it . . . which isn’t as hard as it sounds. Let the Lunar Eclipse be the key to the future you’ve always dreamed of. Call your Moon-sign forecast: 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

WHEN someone thinks the worst of us, it’s extremely tempting to show them that they have good reason to judge us harshly. In fact, it’s almost impossible to treat them the same way that we treat other, less critical people. Yet sometimes, it’s our imaginatio­n that tells us someone is thinking negatively about us. Try to give someone the benefit of the doubt today. Rather than being intimidate­d by a person (or a situation) find the confidence to take a hopeful view. You’ll make much more progress. The Lunar Eclipse has lifechangi­ng, problem-solving powers. Find out what it means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

WE KNOW leopards can’t change their spots. Neither, for that matter can dalmatians. Tigers and zebras are stuck with their stripes, too. You and I though are human beings with the ability to change the way we look; to some degree at least, we can make choices about our appearance. Within ourselves, it’s another matter; we’re able to undergo processes of transforma­tion that change how we think and feel. It doesn’t happen often, but it happens sometimes. A real improvemen­t is possible. The Lunar Eclipse intensifie­s the exciting cosmic climate. Take advantage of the gifts it brings. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 - July 23

IT TAKES a lot for you to lose your cool. That’s why, when you’ve been pushed over the edge of calmness, it can take some time before you’re able to return to your normal state of calm. You don’t tend to flip between moods like some other people do. Just as you’re loyal to your nearest and dearest, so you’re loyal to your feelings. You don’t let them go until you’re ready, or there’s good reason. Today, is one of those times. Move on from what you used to feel and embrace something better. Let the Lunar Eclipse be the key to the future you’ve always dreamed of. Call your Moon-sign forecast: 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

PEOPLE who enjoy fishing are able to sit on a riverbank for hours. With no signal about what’s going on beneath the surface of the water, all they can do is make sure that their line is baited with the right morsel, and hope for a bite. There’s nothing else for them to do but bide their time patiently. There are some processes in life that just need to unfurl in their own sweet time. If you’re able to think of yourself being in this kind of situation, you can relax and enjoy the scenery until you need to take action. The Lunar Eclipse has lifechangi­ng, problem-solving powers. Find out what it means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

HAVE you ever seen one of those magic-eye books? When you first look at them, the pictures look like a carefully created pattern of shapes and colours. It’s only when you stare at them for a while, and somehow relax your gaze that a startlingl­y clear 3D image pops out. It can take so much effort to see that image that you can give yourself a headache! You rather feel as if you’ve been stuck in a similar process recently. If it’s not already starting to make sense, take another look. It will soon. The Lunar Eclipse intensifie­s the exciting cosmic climate. Take advantage of the gifts it brings. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

SOMETIMES we realise we’re in the middle of an action-packed sequence of events, yet we’ve forgotten how the process started. Sometimes we can’t even remember why we’re doing it! When we’re young, such experience­s are attributed to lapses of memory. When we get older, they’re called ‘senior moments’. As you reassess a project (or relationsh­ip) you’ve invested a lot of time and energy into, it’s hard to recall why you felt so committed. If you need to change your approach, you can. Let the Lunar Eclipse be the key to the future you’ve always dreamed of. Call your Moon-sign forecast: 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

THE ancient mythologic­al story about King Midas serves a useful purpose. Who wouldn’t wish to be able to turn everything they touched into gold? Yet this tale explains what happens when we take a hope to its extreme. If only the king had been able to modify his power — and turn it on and off when he chose, he could have been happier, wealthier and wiser. If you find yourself worrying about the possibilit­y of a chain of events that you’re caught up in getting out of control, you can find a way to free yourself. The Lunar Eclipse has lifechangi­ng, problem-solving powers. Find out what it means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21

THE types who say you need to look before you leap have problems with spontaneit­y. Don’t they understand the joy of surprise? Where’s their sense of fun? What about that feeling of being somewhere you’ve never been before, with no idea what you’re going to do? Yet, there are times when it’s tiring to be living life on the edge. Right now, you’d appreciate knowing the lie of the land before embarking on a journey. Take your time and you’ll get the informatio­n you need. The Lunar Eclipse intensifie­s the exciting cosmic climate. Take advantage of the gifts it brings. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

IT’S okay when someone persuades you to do something; but it’s not okay to be coerced. It’s one thing to seek advice, it’s another to ask for instructio­ns. It’s the balance between these that you need to be aware of today. There are many different ways for you to get the informatio­n you need. You can canvas opinion. Procure informatio­n. Balance several different points of view. Most importantl­y however, is the small voice in your heart. Pay it close heed today. You’ll soon know what to do. Let the Lunar Eclipse be the key to the future you’ve always dreamed of. Call your Moon-sign forecast: 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

THE people who are sometimes in the wrong are the loudest to proclaim that they’re right. When they’re unable to carry on pretending that everything’s okay, when it’s not, they put all their energy into blaming someone else for their error. The irony is that there are other folk who are too shy to defend themselves who often end up seemingly at fault. You’ve made a wise decision recently. When proof of your good judgment comes today, there’s no need for modesty. Be justly proud. The Lunar Eclipse has life-changing, problem-solving powers. Find out what it means for you. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

SOME folk dream of escaping the rat race by moving to a desert island where they can swing in a hammock and sip cocktails watching the sun go down. Other people picture a remote mountain cave, where they can meditate their way to peace and tranquilli­ty. The truth, though, is that peace of mind is a state we can find wherever we are, and worrying thoughts and memories are impossible to leave behind even when we’re in ‘paradise’. You can change your current problem with a change of attitude. The Lunar Eclipse intensifie­s the exciting cosmic climate. Take advantage of the gifts it brings. Call 1550 511 611.

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