Irish Daily Mail

He’s the most honest man in Ireland!



I FEEL quite sorry for your poor chap. We all have to kiss a few frogs before we find our Mr or Miss Right, and to my mind there’s not much wrong with continuing the search.

Certainly, before I met Steph I was a six-month-to-two-years kind of man and I don’t see anything wrong with that.

In fact, I think of it as rather admirable. The majority of people are quite happy to trundle along with the status quo. They think, well, it could be better, but it could be worse, and continue until something better comes along or things become unbearable.

But your boyfriend appears to have no truck with any of that. He seems more proactive.

It appears to me that when he realises things won’t work out, he has taken the often difficult step of ending things and moving on. Is that so bad?

I understand why you’d be upset if you were one of his exes, but as his current squeeze it shouldn’t concern you. Here is a man who has the courage to call it off when it’s clear it’s going nowhere. Good for him! He may well be the most honest man in England and you should be happy to have found him.

The fact is that, while many people ‘settle’ for good enough and are often perfectly content with their choice, for others that’s not enough and they are prepared to wait for the right person to come along.

This is not always easy, but it generally is worth the wait. I have a friend who, like your chap, was in and out of shortish relationsh­ips for 25 years until he met the woman to whom he is now happily married.

Everything moved quickly between them because, contrary to what you fear, he was never a commitment-phobe, he just hadn’t met his match yet!

It seems to me you are lacking in confidence. Why don’t you believe you will be the one to change this poor chap’s luck?

You are clearly rather insecure and I’m sorry for you that that’s the case. I would urge you to try and build your sense of selfesteem. You are worrying about the fact the man you’re falling for might leave you and in so doing you’re ruining your current happiness — and his too!

He probably has no intention of ending things, but if you let your anxiety dominate, you may create the situation you fear.

Don’t let that happen. Give yourself a good talking to and start enjoying yourself!

You’ve found a man who isn’t prepared to put up with second best and has waited all this time to find ‘the one’. Fingers crossed it’s you!

IF YOU have a question you’d like Steph and Dom to tackle, write to:

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