Irish Daily Mail


Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist


Linda Mooney is a leading angel therapy practition­er with fifteen years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of angel therapy helping people to engage with their angels to find inner peace and healing. Email Linda at linda@ or write to Linda Mooney, Irish Daily Mail, Third Floor, Embassy House, Dublin 4


Dear Linda I recently started working in a new company. Initially, I was very happy but a few months down the line I feel I don’t fit in at all. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not my colleagues who are making me feel bad, it’s myself. I keep comparing myself to other staff and I feel inferior. There are a lot of really good looking girls and guys and they all look so good and fit. I am somewhat overweight and I feel I can’t measure up to their standards and am totally miserable. I know I am really good at my job, but my feelings about myself are driving me nuts. Please help. G


It is important to understand that our thoughts and words create our experience­s. When we were younger , we learned how to feel about ourselves and about life by the reactions of the adults around us. Whatever those beliefs and learned behaviours, they will be recreated as we grow up. Those beliefs are only thought patterns, and the only time that really matters is the present moment. Change can begin the very moment you become aware that you are good enough, you are unique and must learn to love and approve of yourself. Loving yourself can create miracles in your life and is a must.


‘Let go of small thoughts about yourself! See yourself succeeding.’ In the past, you may have seen yourself as insignific­ant. This card asks you to release any thoughts or feelings of inferiorit­y. Truly believe that you are utterly qualified for any endeavour you can dream about! Write down a list of your fears about moving forward, then ‘drown’ those fears by putting the paper into a bucket or large bowl of water. Then, take a cleansing shower, bath, or swim. The water seals your new way of seeing yourself as you are in truth: an equal to all other children of God.


By drawing this card you’re alerted to the extra importance of monitoring your thoughts. You have no neutral thoughts, and everyone of them create an effect in your life. So you’re being asked to be vigilant in holding only positive thoughts. Most of us slip into negativity occasional­ly, and you may be no exception. However, you can ‘undo’ the effect of negative thinking by recognisin­g them, and stating: ‘I now cancel that thought and replace it with the following positive affirmatio­n of my true Divine desires.’ Then list the situations and attributes that mirror your godliness. During this important part of your life, you have the power to manifest your highest potential at the most rapid rate possible.


This card confirms that your inner power wants to surface. You’ll use this power appropriat­ely, and you’re incapable of abusing it. You are a true friend and the people who really love you, will be happy you’ve taken your power back. Empowermen­t means that you’re no longer willing to see yourself as a victim in any way. It means letting go of all blame with respect to other people, past conditions, or present circumstan­ces. Know that you can be powerful and gentle simultaneo­usly and still be very effective. Affirm frequently: ‘It is safe for me to be powerful! I accept my God-given power to be used in the service of light and love.’ Then, enjoy the shifts you see around you. Instead of worrying about others use your power to make the world a better place. You may never feel self-conscious again.

■ To have Linda answer your question, please send your date of birth. The more specific the question, the more specific the answer. Readers’ dates of birth will not be published. Linda regrets she cannot enter into personal correspond­ence but she intends to answer all letters.

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