Irish Daily Mail

Only SF can stop Boris... so border stays open


AS Boris-led Britain heads blindly into a disastrous No-Deal Brexit, in Ireland we are passengers on a pilotless flight.

Nothing the Irish Government can do will stop the UK crashlandi­ng and dragging us with it.

Even if we give up the backstop tomorrow, the British could not dig themselves out of the hole they are in because it is not the backstop that is causing the problem. It is the blind belief by the Conservati­ve hawks that Britain is still ‘Great’.

They are not going to get a trade deal with the EU that is as good as free market access.

They are not going to get freedom of movement to the EU because they will not allow freedom of movement from the EU.

They are leaving the European Union, so why should they be offered equality with the countries remaining?

That would not make sense – unless you were a misguided Tory who thinks Britain is important to Europe. Britain is not important in any European mindset.

They have also been warned by the US Congress that if they jeopardise the Good Friday Agreement, they won’t get a trade deal with America.

Isolated outside Europe and the US, Brexit is economic suicide for the UK, but blinded by false expectatio­ns and misinforma­tion by Brexiteers, they are reluctant to admit that they have made fundamenta­l mistakes.

Thanks to the Tories’ elevation of Boris to prime minister, the only chance they have now is in a general election. And that will only happen if the numbers stack up against Boris and the Tories.

That is possible, but only if Sinn Féin put Ireland before out-dated ideologies and take up some of their seats in Westminste­r.

They do not have to abandon abstention­ism in total. Just enough seats to bring down the UK government.

Three seats should be enough. Three seats would not break their policy but would possibly save Ireland from a hard-border Brexit. As it stands, Sinn Féin is the best friend the border has. JOHN COLGAN,

Dublin 15.

Stand up for refugees

I APPLAUD the leadership shown across Europe by groups such as Ireland-Calais Refugee Solidarity, and I urge readers to join these initiative­s locally.

I would also urge our Government to show courage and leadership with our European partners and take its full share of responsibi­lity for accommodat­ing refugees in the face of a humanitari­an crisis.

We need a plan for providing refuge on a fair and equitable basis and we need to do our utmost to stop the wars and prevent traffickin­g of these defenceles­s people by criminals.

Diplomats should demand an immediate meeting with the United Nations Security Council to put pressure on Russia to force the Assad regime in Syria to stop the war and open negotiatio­ns there for a lasting peace. NOEL HARRINGTON, Co. Cork.

United in insanity plan

LEO Varadkar and Mary Lou McDonald appear united in their demand for a ‘united Ireland’.

What this means is anyone’s guess, but the thrust of such a proposal is more like progress towards ‘insanity Ireland’.

It’s as if there are no other factors to be considered – just do it.

Has it not crossed their minds that such a thing would be met with fierce resistance and war from large sections of the Northern Ireland community?

For such narrow thinking to now forge ahead from Dublin would be like Michael Collins and his government, in their time, not knowing that there lay the path to terrible civil war. ROBERT SULLIVAN,

Bantry, Co.Cork.

Milka choc madness

TWITTER was ablaze with outrage and virtue-signalling (what’s new?) at the weekend over a casting company’s call for a Milka chocolate bar advertisem­ent.

It was reported that the casting brief was for an angelic little girl, who is not overweight or red-headed, to represent a Milka product.

The usual old social media claptrap ensued about hurting overweight kids’ feelings, and alienating children with auburn tresses, etc.

But what is so wrong about a casting company looking for a specific ‘type’ of individual to advertise certain products?

Take Gorgeous George Clooney and his coffee machine, for example.

I have never heard anybody on Twitter shout: ‘Outrageous! They should have a fat, ginger lad doing that job.’

Get over yourselves, people. There are more important things in life to get ‘upset’ about. MATT WALKER,

Co. Dublin.

Final court of justice...

THE death in prison by suicide of Jeffrey Epstein has been seen by some as robbing victims of justice for his alleged crimes.

But Jeffrey may still have to face his ‘maker’ now, in the final court of justice. FRANK BROWNE, Dublin 16.

 ??  ?? Hard hat, hard border: Boris Johnson
Hard hat, hard border: Boris Johnson

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