Irish Daily Mail



ROME, as we talked about yesterday, wasn’t destroyed in a day. But that doesn’t mean people haven’t tried to get rid of it! The eternal city has endured many trials, yet it remains one of the world’s most beautiful and culturally valuable destinatio­ns. Today, as the Full Moon approaches, and Venus conjuncts the Sun, we’re reminded that no matter what we face, we must ensure the best part of us, our hearts, don’t just survive, but thrive.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 IF I’m holding eight buttons in my hand and have 12 more in my pocket, who’s going to continue to read their forecast? Anyone with a mathematic­al mind will be engaged; they’ll be waiting for the rest of the puzzle. People who like sewing might find themselves wondering what they could do with the buttons. But for most people, it’s dull. They want to talk about more thrilling things. Today, if you stick with the simple stuff, you’ll have the tools to deal with an exciting prospect. This is a powerful Full Moon and your latest four-minute forecast is ready. For a spookily accurate prediction, call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS HOW hard Apr 21 - May 21 do you need to work? How much should you sacrifice? Are you involved in such an important endeavour that you need to pour blood, sweat and tears into it? Or can you sit back and let the situation unfold? It’s a question of perspectiv­e. If it makes you happy to seize the bull by the horns and grapple it into submission, then go for it. Just know that this level of effort may not be necessary. As Venus links with the Sun, you’re being empowered. You can take it easier than you think. Let the powerful Full Moon guide you to the future you’ve been dreaming of. Call your latest forecast: 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 THIS world seems to be full of irritation­s, frustratio­ns and ridiculous scenarios. Many people, institutio­ns and laws fall into these categories with surprising ease. The more we focus on what’s wrong and problemati­c, the more of it we seem to see. Today, as Venus and the Sun link, focus on what’s inspiring and admirable. Although you might not be able to see much at first, as time goes by, you’ll be amazed by how much beauty and wonder the world (and your life) suddenly hold. Don’t miss your personal Moon-sign forecast – taking you through to the next New Moon. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER ONE of June 23 - July 23 the most important parenting goals is to teach children an understand­ing of the difference between right and wrong. Yet, how can anyone be certain they’ve selected the right values to impart? We’re all guilty of clinging on to ingrained beliefs sometimes; and since we all

fall back on to faulty principles, how can any of us suggest that we know anything worth sharing about ethics and morals? Yet, you know in your heart when something is right. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth today. As the Full Moon links to Venus, your dreams can come true. For life-changing advice, call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 WHY are people so keen to tell you not to push your luck? Are they expert on all the possible permutatio­ns of your current situation? Have they carried out controlled experiment­s? Or perhaps they’ve researched the essence of luck itself and, since they can’t measure the effect of pushing it, are fearful of the risks of forcing it further than it wants to go. Yet, suppose luck needs a very hard shove sometimes? As Venus links with the Sun, give a problem a push and it will slide into a better place. Venus and Mars in your sign, plus a powerful Full Moon, make this a week to remember. For insight, call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 JUST imagine how it would be if you realised that you’d spent all your life thinking that you were someone who you’re not? Writers of science fiction are very fond of this idea. We’re all familiar with the scenario; an alien hides within a human form and somehow forgets its origins until the mother ship sends a signal across the galaxy. Don’t panic! Your day doesn’t contain such a wild realisatio­n! It’s just that as Venus and the Sun link today, you can make an amazing discovery about your potential. As Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, changes direction, it brings inspiratio­n and hope. Tap into the magic. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 WHY can’t you do what you want to do? And who is telling you this and how much expertise do they have? You’re a Libran. You know how changeable people and life can be. It’s because of your innate understand­ing of impermanen­ce that you like to create anchor points in life – they help you find a sense of stability. Yet just because someone seems so certain about what to do doesn’t mean you need to be bound by their limits. As Venus and the Sun link, if you want something to change, it can. As the Full Moon links with Venus, it brings a powerful message. For your spookily accurate prediction, call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 IN general, human beings like to be liked and dislike being disliked. Except, we’re also contrary creatures who sometimes like to do the opposite of what’s expected of us! Sometimes, we can even take exception to our nearest and dearest and find perverse satisfacti­on in being antagonist­ic and difficult. I mention this because there’s a chance that you’re demonstrat­ing an unusually strong reaction to someone. Venus and the Sun’s link can help you understand the emotions behind it. The Full Moon brings potential transforma­tion. You can change your life. For exciting news, call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 YOU want the cosmos to help you with a project, and it wants to help you. So, what could possibly go wrong? Nothing, unless there’s some kind of language barrier. What if the cosmos only understand­s ancient Greek? In that case, even the most explicit and sensitive

suggestion­s will sound like gobbledego­ok. As Venus and the Sun link today, they bring clarity and insight. By paying close attention to the subtlety of what’s going on around you, you’ll receive illuminati­ng insight. With Jupiter, your ruling planet, changing direction, get ready for an energy boost and a lucky week. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN AS your Dec 22 - Jan 20 sign is Capricorn, you were born blessed with insight. This is sometimes characteri­sed as prudence, but it is better described as wisdom. Although these qualities might appear, at first glance, to be similar, there is a vital difference between them. For example, it might be considered wise to wait before making a sudden move. But if the bus you’ve been waiting for is about to set off, you need to jump aboard. As the Sun and Venus link, don’t miss the moment to make your move. Let the light of the Full Moon uncover the answer you’re seeking. For your spookily accurate forecast, call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS IF you’re Jan 21 - Feb 19 enjoying going round in circles and admiring the scenic route, there’s no need to make any changes. You might be benefiting from a complicate­d set of arrangemen­ts or a complex connection of events. Yet, today, as we move towards the Full Moon in your sign, it’s worth considerin­g following a simpler trajectory. If you look for an easier way of doing what you’re already doing, you’ll find one. With such a strong indication of success, do you need to waste more time? The Full Moon in your sign brings potential for transforma­tion. You can change your life. For valuable insight, call 1550 511 611.

PISCES YOU’RE not a Feb 20 - Mar 20 princess (nor a prince) trapped in a tower. Yet, let’s imagine you’re locked within a grand castle. You’ve filled the moat. You’ve raised the drawbridge. It will take a huge amount of determinat­ion and guile before any hostile forces even come close to breaking in. Yet, you’ve also cut yourself off from your allies – the very ones who could ride to your rescue. As Venus and the Sun link today, lower that drawbridge. An open mind holds the key to success. Jupiter’s change of direction brings luck and inspiratio­n. Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast: 1550 511 611.

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