Irish Daily Mail

Takeaways became a crutch for unhappines­s


AMY WILLIAMS, 27, joined WW to become healthier and help combat the depression and anxiety she suffered after five consecutiv­e miscarriag­es. Amy, who lives in Banstead, Surrey, with husband Jason, 34, a heating engineer, and their five-year-old son Nicholas lost over two-and-a-half stone in a year. She says:

KNOWING that if I ate better I would improve my mental health was the biggest motivator for joining WW.

I was in such a bad place after five miscarriag­es in three years. I’d put on weight after each pregnancy and felt terrible. But I couldn’t be bothered to cook. Instead, I was eating takeaways, and ready meals. I’d also treat myself to chocolates and drink wine most nights because I felt so low.

My weight ballooned — at my heaviest, I was 14st 4lb — and I was always in leggings and baggy sweaters, unhappy with my body and a size 14-16

I suffered my first miscarriag­e in November 2016 and put on a stone soon after. By the time I’d suffered the fourth, in November 2018, I sometimes felt suicidal. I felt so guilty that I couldn’t give Nicholas the little brother or sister he’d always wanted.

Some days I felt I was just existing. I didn’t see my GP but I did have hypnothera­py when I felt particular­ly low.

I’d been a member of WW before — losing 4st after Nicholas was born — so I knew that their plan would help my mental wellbeing as well as weight loss. So I became a member, online at first, in November 2018.

The pounds began to drop off quite quickly and I gradually began to feel well within myself again, though it was a bit at a time.

We also got a little rescue dog called Rocky. Walking him helped my mood as well as physical health.

I’ve made good use of the WW mindset tools, particular­ly the meditation. I listen to the Headspace app most days if I feel bad and do breathing exercises. I have made steady progress with my mood and wellbeing.

When myWW came in, I chose the Purple plan as it has the most ZeroPoint foods and I like a varied diet. As potatoes and wholegrain pasta are also ZeroPoints

it is easy to prepare family suppers we can all share, like chicken casserole or spaghetti bolognaise.

I got back to a size 10-12 in September and I’m wearing clothes I haven’t been able to get into for years.

I’ve retrained as a WW coach so I can help others.

I learnt that the most important thing was to improve the way I viewed the world and to feel better about myself. The weight loss followed after that.

Now I’m just concentrat­ing on being as healthy as I can be. I’m hoping to have a baby in the future but have learnt to be very grateful for the family I do have.

I’m delighted with the weight I’ve lost. Feeling so much happier and more positive is totally priceless.

 ??  ?? Amy, and Nicholas, before weight loss
Confident after losing over 2½st
Amy, and Nicholas, before weight loss Confident after losing over 2½st

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