Irish Daily Mail

50,000 out of work as nation’s pubs and clubs close their doors

‘Traumatic event’ for staff as bar owners heed call to shut up shop

- Irish Daily Mail Reporter

SOME 50,000 bar workers are set to be unemployed today after the Government urged 7,000 pubs, clubs and bars to shut down as of last night.

The Licensed Vintners Associatio­n has described it as ‘an absolutely traumatic’ event for its members and said many staff members will be in shock today.

Health Minister Simon Harris said that the country is facing a coronaviru­s ‘national emergency’ and that he had the support of the vintners groups. On Saturday night, Health Service Executive chief Paul Reid also urged pubs to ‘wise up quick’ after videos of people crowding into them emerged.

Photos appeared on social media of crowded pubs in Dublin’s Temple Bar on Saturday.

In a tweet, Minister Harris said large groups gathering in small spaces like that was an ‘insult’ to the efforts of healthcare workers and later said he was disappoint­ed by photos of busy pubs in the capital.

In a statement yesterday, the Government said: ‘Following discussion­s today with the Licensed Vintners Associatio­n (LVA) and the Vintners Federation of Ireland (VFI), the Government is now calling on all public houses and bars (including hotel bars) to close from this evening (March 15) until at least March 29.’

They said bars had ‘real difficulty’ in implementi­ng the Government guidelines on social distancing, ‘as pubs are specifical­ly designed to promote social interactio­n in a situation where alcohol reduces personal inhibition­s’.

‘For the same reason, the Government is also calling on all members of the public not to organise or participat­e in any parties in private houses or other venues which would put other people’s health at risk.’

The move came as publicans in

Dublin’s Temple Bar announced a complete shutdown of all bars and nightclubs with immediate effect.

The decision means no bars will be open in the area for St Patrick’s Day, one of the busiest days in the Irish tourism calendar.

Martin Harte, of the Temple Bar

Company, said the decision was taken voluntaril­y.

‘This is the owners of all pubs sitting down and deciding this is

Bars had ‘real difficulty’ implementi­ng guidelines

the best thing to do in terms of public health and safety.’

Mr Harte said the problem is that social distancing and limiting of numbers is impossible to enforce in bars.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has urged people who socialised in pubs and clubs at the weekend to avoid the elderly and people with chronic diseases, to stop the spread of Covid-19.

He tweeted: ‘No indoor mass gatherings of more than 100 people applies to pubs & clubs. Have asked NPHET [National Public Health Emergency Team] for further expert guidance on this. May seek enforcemen­t powers from Dáil/Seanad.’

Some pubs and bars across the country have voluntaril­y opted to temporaril­y close as the Department of Health advised people should try to keep two metres between themselves and others.

One Cork pub owner described the closure order as a ‘relief’ due to the uncertaint­y which existed around social distancing guidelines.

Michael O’Donovan, owner of The Castle Inn in Cork city centre, said they made the decision to close the bar yesterday before the announceme­nt, as they felt that it was too difficult to enforce social distancing among customers.

‘It’s just the nature of the business. People are going to have close contact.

‘It came as a relief then when the Government finally [made the decision].’

He added that pubs are going to take a ‘massive hit’ over the coming weeks, adding that staff have been left very worried at the prospect of having no income.

‘I’ve a family as well... there’s no income now coming in for the next two weeks.

‘When we reopen, there’s going to be a period of uncertaint­y. Money might be a bit scarce for the first few weeks when we open.’

Yesterday morning, Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin said: ‘The advice on what each of us needs to do is clear, we all need to follow that advice, not just for our own health, but for the benefit of all those around us.

‘Each one of us needs to think of vulnerable people in our midst and ask ourselves what we can do to help them through this.’

Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald urged people to keep all social contact to a minimum.

‘People are going to have close contact’

 ??  ?? Shutdown: Pubs in Dublin’s Temple Bar closed yesterday
Shutdown: Pubs in Dublin’s Temple Bar closed yesterday
 ??  ?? Emergency measures: A man wears a mask in Dublin city centre yesterday
Emergency measures: A man wears a mask in Dublin city centre yesterday

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