Irish Daily Mail




Rectus abdominis and core


1. Lie on the floor with the knees bent, feet and knees are hip width apart. 2. The hands are gently clasped behind your head, your thumbs are facing downwards along the spine of your neck, and your elbows are wide but still in your peripheral vision. 3. Inhale to prepare. 4. Exhale, engage your core abdominals and lift one leg to table-top (90-degree angle). Repeat with the other leg.


1. Inhale to prepare. 2. Exhale to engage the core abdominals, think about sinking your ribs into your hips, and lift up from your abs only as far as your shoulders lift off the floor. 3. Inhale at the top, maintainin­g core engagement. 4. Exhale to lower back to the floor. 5. Repeat 10 times.


Keep your pelvic floor muscles switched on so that the pelvis remains in a neutral position throughout.

Ensure that the neck stays long and shoulders stay away from the ears. ÷Do this exercise slowly and purposeful­ly. Pause at the top, take a breath without losing the connection in your core abdominals. ÷ For an extra challenge, pulse 10 times at the end by lifting from the abs higher and lower by 1 inch. ÷ You can also hold the top of the posture for 60 seconds to feel an extra burn. ÷ If you are concerned about your lower back, complete exercise with the feet on the floor. ÷ You can also do this exercise with straight legs in the air if the core abdominals are very strong.


Rectus abdominis, core abdominals and latissimus dorsi


1. Lie on the floor with the knees bent, feet and knees are hip width apart. 2. The hands are gently placed by each side, palms facing down. 3. Inhale to prepare. 4. Exhale, engage your core abdominals and lift one leg to table-top (90-degree angle). Repeat with the other leg. 1. Inhale to prepare. 2. Exhale to engage the core abdominals, think about sinking your ribs into your hips, and lift up from your abs only as far as your shoulders lift off the floor. 3. Simultaneo­usly, slide your shoulder blades back and down, lift your arms 6 inches from the ground and reach your fingertips away, lengthenin­g your arms. 4. Inhale for five counts and exhale for five counts – lift your arms up and down 6 inches for each count/beat, maintainin­g tension through the arms and lengthenin­g them away from the top of your head. 5. Repeat 10 times — until you’ve beat your arms to the count of 100!


This is an endurance exercise so it’s very important you keep your core abdominals engaged at all times.

Take short snippets of breath to help keep the core connection. ÷If your neck or back is aching, lower your head to the floor, continue to keep your core abdominals engaged and your arms beating. ÷Keep your pelvic floor muscles switched on so that the pelvis remains in a neutral position throughout. ÷If you want to make the exercise easier, lower your feed to the floor. ÷If you want to make the exercise harder, straighten your legs but only lower them as far as your core can keep your lower back from lifting off the floor.


Quadratus lumborum, obliques, deltoid, core abdominals, scapula stabiliser­s


1. Lie on the right-hand side with the legs on top of each other in a straight line. 2. The right elbow props up the body. 3. The right shoulder is directly above the right elbow with the forearm pointing forwards. 4. The feet, knees and hips are stacked directly above one another. 5. The left arm rests along the side of the thighs.


1. Inhale to prepare. 2. Exhale to engage the core abdominals and lift the hips and pelvis off the floor as high as the body allows. The feet and elbow remain on the floor. The left arm rises up in an arc overhead. 3. Inhale to return to a side plank position, making a T shape with the top arm. 4. Exhale to twist the torso towards the floor. The left arm passes underneath the body and the head turns and looks behind the body to the right. Try to lift your hips high. 5. Inhale to twist back around again and exhale to lower to the starting position. 6. Repeat 6-10 times on each side.


÷Keep obliques engaged to prevent the bottom rib sticking out towards the floor.

Ensure you’ve created space between your ear and shoulder.

Press your bottom hand firmly into the floor for scapula stability and to prevent collapsing onto the supporting shoulder.

Keep the head in line with the spine and ensure that the elbow is directly under the shoulder at all times.

The twist at the top is optional. You can also do this exercise on your elbow.

To join one of Aisling’s online classes visit Prices range from €5 for the beginners class to €8 for the specialist class. and will be limited to nine per class.

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