Irish Daily Mail

How to keep arms and shoulders toned, strong and flexible

Pilates expert Aisling Quinn offers more exercises to do at home

- by Aisling Quinn To join one of Aisling’s online classes visit Prices range from €5 for the beginner’s class to €8 for the specialist class and numbers are strictly limited to nine per session.


YESTERDAY included some nice spine mobility exercises following a tough core routine the day before. To get us back feeling the burn, we’re going to focus on arms and shoulders. Pilates is known for ‘sculpting’ the arms and shoulders without creating bulky muscles, so I’ve chosen these three exercises because, whilst you’ll get a great hit on your biceps and triceps, each exercise promotes long lean muscles, good posture and alignment too.

I like to use props in my workouts to keep things interestin­g, so I’ve opted to use a Thera band for our first two exercises. If you don’t have a Thera band, don’t worry. You can use a strong pair of tights or dressing gown ties.

Whilst these exercises are suitable for all levels provided you don’t have any injuries, the number of reps indicated below should be increased if you’re not feeling a burn but also decreased if pain is referring into your neck at any time. If you want to work your legs at the same time, try Sliding Down A Wall again (from the Irish Mail on Sunday) during Offering and Arm Circles.


Scapula stabiliser­s, deltoids, biceps, latissimus dorsi and the core abdominals.


1. Kneel up straight with your knees hip width apart. 2. Maintain a neutral pelvis and spine. 3. Wrap the band (or a pair of tights) around the back of your waist and hold in both hands. 4. Rest your elbows by your side with your arms bent and your palms facing upwards.


1. Inhale to prepare. 2. Exhale to engage the core abdominals and draw your shoulder blades back and down, engaging your lats. 3. Inhale to reach your arms forward and straight to shoulder height. 4. Exhale to open your arms out to either side, maintainin­g the height and resistance in the band. 5. Inhale to return the arms in front of you, maintainin­g height. 6. Exhale to return the elbows to starting position. Repeat 10 to 20 times, depending on ability.


÷If you have sore knees, you can stand up for this exercise instead of kneeling. ÷If you don’t have a band, you can use a strong pair of tights. ÷Keep your core abdominals engaged to maintain length in the spine. ÷Make sure you don’t allow one side to dominate. ÷Create the feeling of opening your chest as you open the arms by bringing your shoulder blades gently together.


Triceps, posterior deltoid, scapula stabiliser­s and trapezius muscles


1. Standing with your feet hip width apart, take one end of the band in your right hand and hold it behind the base of your skull with the elbow pointing directly upwards. 2. With your left hand, hold the band firmly in the small of your back.


1. Inhale to prepare. 2. Exhale to engage the core abdominals, role your shoulder blades back and down and straighten the top arm, keeping it close to your ear. 3. Inhale to bend arm back to the starting position with the elbow pointing up. Repeat x20 on each side.


÷You can make this exercise as easy or as difficult as you want by adjusting the length of the band. ÷To feel the burn on your triceps, do this exercise slowly and purposeful­ly in both directions. ÷Maintain a reasonable resistance throughout. ÷Maintain engagement in the core abdominals to ensure correct alignment.


Triceps, biceps, deltoids, scapula stabiliser­s, trapezius muscles, latissimus dorsi and core abdominals


1. Standing with your feet hip width apart. 2. Arms are straight out to the side at shoulder height with palms facing down.


1. Inhale to prepare. 2. Exhale to engage scapula, lats and core abdominals, and reach your fingertips away from each other to create resistance. 3. Inhale for five beats and exhale for five beats, creating small circles (the size of a football) from your shoulders in a forward motion. 4. Repeat ten times and then reverse the direction of the circles.


÷Think about growing taller as you reach your fingertips in opposite directions. ÷Make sure your arms remain at shoulder height throughout – no cheating! ÷Be careful not to hike your shoulders either – maintain space between your ears and shoulders. ÷Engage your core abdominals throughout to ensure you maintain a good posture.

 ??  ?? Keeping you fit: Aisling Quinn’s daily Pilates at home
Keeping you fit: Aisling Quinn’s daily Pilates at home
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