Irish Daily Mail

50 things every woman should do before 50 she’s


LIFE in lockdown gives you pause for thought, and time to reflect on all areas of your life, past, present and future.

It has made me reminisce on what I feel is possibly the true landmark in a woman’s life, where true confidence and self-expression bloom. Which, in my experience, was turning 50, with so much experience behind me and so many lessons learned.

Life is far from over, as I realise now I approach my 70th birthday amid strange times, but it helps to feel it’s in reasonable order as you officially become middle aged, or ‘quintastic’.

1: Fall in love and try to stay there.

2: If Mr Right turns out to be Mr. Wrong, walk away.

3: Equally, walk away from Mr He’ll Do. He won’t.

4: Keep working — full or part time. Your own money means never having to ask permission and enables escape if necessary.

5: Squirrel away a secret ‘Screw You’ fund.

6: Say I love you to children, partner, friends and parents. Lots.

7: Hear I love you back, especially from a child — who doesn’t have to be yours.

8: Take care of ageing parents and make sure your children, if you have them, are involved. They’re your insurance policy for your own end of life care.

9: Don’t fear money.

10: Find a reliable financial adviser.

11: Learn to drive — vital for independen­ce.

12: Learn to park — don’t give the boys something to be snide about.

13: Change a plug, a lightbulb and a fuse.

14: Decorate a room.

15: Hang a picture.

16: Change a tyre.

17: Make a barbecue.

18: Change a nappy.

19: Groom a dog.

20: Empty the bins.

21: Find a man (or a woman if that’s the way you lean), who can do 11 to 20 equally well and understand­s that all household tasks, childcare and technical necessitie­s are to be shared.

22: Cultivate a best friend, stay in regular touch and meet at least once a fortnight for good food neither of you has cooked. Enjoy the gossip and the drink (but not too much of the latter!)

23: Join a book club so there’s no excuse for not sitting down quietly and reading to relax.

24: Make regular visits to an elderly, lonely neighbour. One day you may be the one hoping for such company.

25: Find a hairdresse­r you trust completely to follow your instructio­ns. One who never talks about holidays.

26: Forget about make-up on days at home. It saves money and time.

27: Learn to love flat shoes. Your post-50 back will thank you.

28: Master the art of the eyeliner for when you’re going out. Try false lashes just the once.

29: Stick with the resolution to tackle paperwork as it comes. Filing is your friend.

30: Have a good lawyer, doctor and therapist on speed dial.

31: Buy clothes (but not too many) that will never need ironing.

32: Find the perfect bra. Buy ten.

33: Get fit and stay fit. Sport is not necessaril­y evil.

34: Learn to dance for fitness and fun.

35: Get a dog for unconditio­nal love and a guaranteed cheery welcome home.

36: Walk the dog (or dogs) every day.

37: Make a beautiful garden or window box. It will grow and delight as you grow older.

38: Accept that chocolate is not one of life’s necessitie­s.

39: Nor is wine.

40: Have an early night regularly with no screens.

41: Go to the galleries you’ve been putting off. Beautiful paintings feed the soul.

42: Stop lying about your age.

43: Support your local theatre.

44: Make peace with your parents.

45: Take care of your teeth. You’ll regret it if you don’t.

46: Go on holiday alone to your dream location.

47: Make a will. Boring, but necessary.

48: Keep things in order for your kids and keep them informed about their inheritanc­e. Give them the number of the financial adviser.

49: Take the love of your life to a beautiful place. Kiss in the sea in the sunshine. Forget your thighs, arms, midriff and any other less than perfect bits.

50: Remember, every woman has value whether she’s a mother or not.

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