Irish Daily Mail

Top Boris aide quizzed on lockdown trip

- By Larisa Brown

BORIS Johnson’s top aide was investigat­ed by police after flouting the UK government’s own lockdown rules, it emerged last night.

Dominic Cummings travelled 425km from London to his elderly parents’ home in County Durham at the end of March.

The UK prime minister was last night fighting to keep hold of his most senior adviser after Downing Street was thrown into crisis.

Mr Cummings was quizzed by police when he was meant to be self-isolating after developing symptoms. UK government advice at the time was not to travel and to stay at home. Last night, the UK Labour Party demanded a ‘swift explanatio­n’ from Downing Street.

It is understood Mr Cummings was spotted by a member of the public who made a complaint to the police. Downing Street had previously claimed he was holed up in his London home. After he recovered, his wife, Mary Wakefield, wrote a detailed account about ‘emerging from quarantine’ into the London lockdown.

But a joint investigat­ion by The Mirror and The Guardian revealed Mr Cummings went to the north of England. The PM’s chief of staff was seen running through Downing Street on March 27 after it was announced Mr Johnson and health secretary Matt Hancock had tested positive for coronaviru­s. Downing Street later said Mr Cummings had developed symptoms ‘over the weekend’ of March 28 and 29.

But instead of self-isolating in London, he drove the family to the north of England, it was claimed. On March 31, Mr Cummings was in County Durham at his parents’ home. Police confirmed that on that day they visited an individual at a Durham address whom they’d learned had travelled from London during lockdown to self-isolate.

According to the Mirror they spoke to the family and reminded them travelling to stay with relatives was in breach of the rules.

Last night a close friend of Mr Cummings said: ‘He isn’t remotely bothered by this story, it’s more fake news from the Guardian. There is zero chance of him resigning.’

Downing Street has been approached for comment.

 ??  ?? Storm: Dominic Cummings outside No 10 yesterday
Storm: Dominic Cummings outside No 10 yesterday

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