Irish Daily Mail

The day Prince Andrew f lew Paul Daniels to a magic show in the queen’s helicopter

- By David Wilkes

NOT everyone has been delighted to see Prince Andrew lately.

But Debbie McGee has recalled a time when her husband Paul Daniels certainly was – as the prince gave the magician a lift in his mother’s helicopter when he was running late for a show.

Ms McGee, 61, said she and Daniels, who died aged 77 in 2016, had been at an event in Stoke-on-Trent that was attended by members of the royal family.

She revealed on her podcast Spill The Tea: ‘At the end of the day Paul rang to say goodbye to Princess Anne and said, “I’m really sorry I can’t stay for the party afterwards, it’s over-run by two hours and I’m meant to be on stage in an hour at the Savoy”.

‘Paul was doing a cabaret for a private party [at the Savoy]. So Princess Anne said, “Have you got someone to drive your car back to London?” and Paul said, “Yes I have, of course” – that was muggins, me.’

She said the princess then asked Prince Edward to find his brother Andrew, adding: ‘Edward ran off, brought Prince Andrew back and [Princess Anne] said, “Have you still got the queen’s helicopter?”

‘He said “Yes” and she said, “Well go and get it ready, you’re going to fly Mr Daniels back to Windsor Castle. I’ll phone ahead and get a car ready – he’s got to be at the Savoy”.’

Ms McGee continued: ‘I waved them off on the helicopter pad with

Prince Andrew piloting it and Fergie in the lounge with Paul below, where Paul I think did card tricks all the way to Windsor Castle.

‘When he got there, she’d not only just organised a car, it was the queen’s car. He got into his tuxedo in the back of it going along the M4. Then he got to the Savoy, walked on stage… and had a great night.’

 ??  ?? Air skills: Prince Andrew in 1983 when he was a Navy helicopter pilot
Air skills: Prince Andrew in 1983 when he was a Navy helicopter pilot

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