Irish Daily Mail



‘We felt awful at the thought of having to tell them, but felt huge relief once we had’

Sara Hakim, 45, is married to Paul and lives in Dublin. She found herself having to tell her four boys aged between eight to 13 about her breast cancer diagnosis in 2018. Here, she explains how, with the help of Arc Cancer Support, talking to her children helped the whole family.

THE TIME around my breast cancer diagnosis is a bit of a blur. Looking back, I think I was in shock, but I specifical­ly remember the moment just after the doctor confirmed my diagnosis.

Caroline, the nurse at the breast clinic, brought myself and my husband into a little room to give us time and space to ask questions and it was there that I first remember thinking “how am I going to tell the children?” .

The first thing that came into my mind was what their experience of cancer had been. They had watched their grandfathe­r’s slow decline and death from mesothelio­ma (an asbestos-related cancer) two years previously and we had recently also lost their grandmothe­r. I was very concerned about how much this would frighten them. Cancer can be a scary word.

The nurse stressed the importance of telling them and including them as much as possible as my treatment would be hard to hide. I knew immediatel­y that we would tell them and she gave me some literature to read up on which we found very useful. Our decision was informed by a vivid memory of a friend who had to tell her children that their father, who had cancer, was going to die, and how awful but necessary it must have been. My husband, Paul, and I both agreed to be as open and honest with the children as possible. We knew we were in the extremely fortunate position that whilst I had been diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer, it was also very treatable. This meant that we could tell the kids that I had every chance of making it through, which gave us a good starting point. However we were advised not to promise them that I would survive as no treatment is ever guaranteed.

We told them after lunch on a Saturday, a few weeks after I was diagnosed. We had done the shopping; they had come back from soccer and the day’s jobs were done. This would give them the rest of the afternoon to think about it, ask questions and for us to just sit together.

I’m not sure of the words - but I told them that I had breast cancer and that things would be a little different for the time being while I underwent treatment. We told them as much as we knew about the surgery, chemothera­py and radiothera­py that was about to start. I told them they could ask questions and talk to us whenever they wanted.

They all reacted differentl­y. My eldest boy got up and cleared the table, stacked the dishwasher and then said he was going to do his homework. My second eldest became very upset but once we reassured him that there was every chance that I was going to be fine, he calmed down.

One of the twins went quiet, then started to asked lots of questions but I could see he was really sad, and the other twin just sat on my lap for an hour. Once they had gotten over their initial shock, one of their main concerns was that we wouldn’t be going on our holiday to Italy due to my treatment! Within a few hours they were playing and arguing as if nothing had ever happened.

Even though I knew telling them was the right thing to do, I had been dreading beginning the conversati­on with them. Nobody wants to put that burden on their children, but it all went much better than expected.

While we felt awful at the thought of having to tell them, and I, in particular, was dragging my heels at the prospect, we were hugely relieved once we had done it. I suppose it was the shock of thinking that my world would really fall apart upon telling them, and that I would be destroying my family, but it didn’t - and I didn’t.

We continued to talk to, and involve, the kids throughout my treatment. They were there when my husband shaved my hair off. They witnessed me during the worst effects of chemothera­py. They helped around the house when I was really fatigued. They came and sat with me, gave me cuddles, made me tea and checked if I was OK.

I reacted badly to steroids on several occasions which made me very angry, affectiona­tely known as ‘roid rage’. It was hard on them as they were in the house when it happened. I am ashamed to say I shouted and roared at them but thankfully we were able to explain afterwards that it was not me, it was the drugs that made me act in that way. They all laugh about it now.

There were some upsides for them — they had more playdates and sleep-overs, were spoilt by lots of people and definitely got more PlayStatio­n time than ever before.

ARC Cancer Support has been a huge and constant support to me and to my family since my diagnosis two years ago. I was already halfway through chemothera­py when my husband and I attended the talk by Yvonne O’Meara regarding talking to children about cancer. It helped confirm that we had been going along the right track with the children and, in particular, helped with a few of the finer points of dealing with the needs of a teenager during your treatment.

My twins attended its CLIMB programme for children aged five-11 years who have a parent or significan­t adult who is living with cancer. They found it really useful to talk to other children who were going through the same thing. I also met other parents which was brilliant. I have had a whole range of supports provided by ARC completely free of charge, including yoga, reflexolog­y, acupunctur­e, and counsellin­g.

The centre is so important to me because sometimes your family and friends don’t always get what you are going through but you know that everyone does in ARC and that is priceless.

I don’t think I would be doing nearly as well as I am now if it wasn’t for all the support that I have received from them.

 ??  ?? Talking helps: Sara Hakim told her children she had breast cancer
Talking helps: Sara Hakim told her children she had breast cancer
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