Irish Daily Mail

Testing, testing...Byrne hails important step


THE FAI’s medical chief, Dr Alan Byrne, hailed ‘a significan­t day’ as players and staff from Dundalk, Shamrock Rovers, Bohemians and Derry City were tested for Covid-19 yesterday in the first step towards a return for football. ‘Today is a significan­t day as we plot our return for all football in Ireland in a safe environmen­t for players, staff, officials and volunteers,’ said Byrne, who is advocating patience ahead of a minitourna­ment involving the four clubs in two months’ time. ‘We must take slow and deliberate steps in this Covid-19 pandemic and testing of these four squads is crucial as we look to deliver this pathway to a safer return to football for all elements of our game. ‘Once we start to analyse the results of these tests, we can move forward. ‘We will test the players from these four clubs again before they return to training on June 8 and then again regularly when they are back on the training field. ‘Everything we do now is designed to ensure that football can return for everyone as soon as it is safe and responsibl­e. ‘We owe that to all our players, from the elite players in the League of Ireland to the schoolboys and schoolgirl­s who want to get back on the pitch.’ Jack Byrne, the Rovers and Republic of Ireland midfielder, was among those tested. ‘The test was fine. We just got a little swab taken at the back of our throats and it was all done in less than 20 seconds,’ he said. ‘We’re happy to get it done as it’s another step closer to training soon. I think it’s important for everyone in the country that football gets back when it’s safe to do so. ‘I think we’re taking the right measures to come back to football in time and in a safe way. ‘Football is such a huge part of this country and we need to take these steps for football to return, from the league to the grassroots.’ The FAI are looking at two dates in late July for playing four games in Tallaght Stadium between the four Euro-bound clubs.

 ??  ?? Getting tested: Jack Byrne
Getting tested: Jack Byrne

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