Irish Daily Mail



THE Lunar Eclipse urges us to explore new territory, though it might be hard to know where to start. But there are ways of exploring that needn’t put us at risk … the most important revolution we can undergo takes place in our minds. Mercury and Uranus encourage a new way of thinking, while the Lunar Eclipse’s link with Mars provides strength for decisive action. Inspiratio­n is found in surprising places.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

IF A classical pianist visited my home, I’d be embarrasse­d to let them play the piano. Although there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s not up to the standard someone of expertise would be used to. Yet despite that, they’d be able to create a more beautiful sound than the piano has ever made. Although current circumstan­ces are far from ideal, there’s little you can do about it. There’s no option but to make the best of what you’ve got. You might even surprise yourself with the result. This week is filled with potential. Maximise the energy available. This phase between eclipses heralds hope. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

YOU don’t need a calculator to confirm that when you add two and two together it makes four. Even if maths wasn’t your subject at school, the basic facts are unforgetta­ble. When it comes to numbers, it doesn’t even matter if you’ve got two bananas and two monkeys; you get the same result. Unless, of course, the monkeys eat the bananas! Under the influence of the powerful Lunar Eclipse, your imaginatio­n is being sparked into action. You don’t need to stick with practical solutions this weekend.

In this magical time between eclipses, find out how your life can change for the better. For good news, call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

STICKING our heads in the sand is a cowardly thing to do. Facing fears takes courage, strength and resolution. When we’re afraid of something, it’s tempting to hope that it will simply go away of its own accord and that if we hide from it for long enough, it will simply pass by. It takes resolve to face up to the fact that even though we might not have the answers we’re prepared to give something challengin­g a try. If you give something a go this weekend, it could work out for the best. Positive change is possible. Profit from the power available in this special time between eclipses. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 - July 23

ALTHOUGH having faith causes miracles to happen, there are times when it seems that no matter how much effort we put into hoping, praying and trying our best, we’re unable to bring about the change we wish to see. Yet, in spite of an apparent lack of celestial assistance, we still need to keep faith in what we’re hoping to achieve. The powerful Lunar Eclipse delivers you the power, this weekend, to smooth a challengin­g situation. You just need to have the right faith in the right thing. This is a powerful time. The period between eclipses offers potential for transforma­tion. Find out more. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

PINOCCHIO was a character in Italian folklore long before be became the star of the Disney cartoon. His nose was growing before he hit the big screen. Imagine him first announcing that his nose was about to grow. Since that kind of fast growth is impossible, he would have been telling a lie; which would have made his nose grow (which meant that he was telling the truth) which meant that it would not grow. Aargh! Confused? Me too. This weekend, don’t lose valuable time pondering an impossible question.

Despite life’s uncertaint­ies, there are opportunit­ies for you. Take advantage of the cosmic encouragem­ent. Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

THERE are psychics who can tell what shape someone’s thinking about. Their ability to predict is higher than the results gained by mere guesswork. Yet that doesn’t mean they’ll know what someone else is thinking. The Lunar Eclipse will gift you with valuable insight into the way to navigate around a communicat­ion problem. Just make sure you don’t expect a key person to read your mind. As long as you carefully explain this weekend, your message will be received and understood. This time between eclipses is ideal for transformi­ng dreams into realities. For four minutes of valuable insight, call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

IN A lot of ways, your expectatio­ns are outlandish... until, that is, we consider the strength of your loyalty and passion. Nothing stops you from defending a cause that you believe in. Yet, admirable as this is, it’s unfair to expect the same level of commitment from other people. That’s not because they won’t try, or that they don’t care. It’s just that such levels of selflessne­ss are beyond their abilities. Try not to give someone too tough a time this weekend. They’re doing the best they can. For valuable informatio­n about the opportunit­ies available in this powerful time between eclipses, call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

IT WON’T have escaped your notice that things aren’t always as we wish. Compromise­s. Sacrifices. Frustratio­ns. Stresses. These seem to characteri­se life on planet Earth at the moment. No wonder you’re finding it hard to focus, and questionin­g what you’re doing. Yet, you have more influence than you know. You’re making a difference. And this situation won’t last forever. The Lunar Eclipse encourages you to stay upbeat and keep optimistic. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. This time between eclipses brings potential for positive change. There’s important news in your forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21

FOLLOWING the Lunar Eclipse in your sign, the weekend holds the potential for magical moments. In fact, every second that passes can bestow magic. It’s just that we get so caught up in what’s going on around us that we overlook the possibilit­ies being presented. What do you need to happen in order to celebrate? Will one magical moment be enough? As long as you’re prepared to make the most of events as they unfold, you have what you need to make this weekend one to remember. Let this outstandin­g time between eclipses guide you towards a brighter future. Make changes this week. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

THERE are so many people here on this spinning ball of rock; and we find it so hard to agree. What on earth are we all doing? Anyone would hope that the creative force that put us all here would at least arrange things so that we (more or less) got on with one another. What could we do to improve the way we relate? Fortunatel­y, the Lunar Eclipse gives you an opportunit­y not only to improve the outlook of some of the key people in your life, but also to improve yours, too. How will this transition between eclipses transform your life? For four minutes of inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

‘SORRY’. It’s a small but important word. And, as any parent will know, exceptiona­lly hard to teach. Perhaps that’s because adults don’t always find it easy to say either. Neverthele­ss, it’s a crucial part of anyone’s learning because it involves not letting pride get in the way of kindness and generosity, and recognisin­g the impact of our actions. If you’re worried that you might have put your foot in it, don’t worry. A simple word is all it will take to restore good humour and productive dialogue.

Be inspired! In this magical time between eclipses you can make positive decisions and change your life. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

ALTHOUGH it’s true that most things happen for a reason, it’s also true that some things don’t. Sometimes, even when we’re determined that something will happen and we have done everything in our power to make it so, we might just as well sit and twiddle our thumbs for all the effect we’re having on the world around us. Yet, our initial lack of success only indicates that our timing is slightly off-kilter. What seems frustratin­g this weekend stands every chance of leading to eventual success. Use the power of this special time between eclipses to change your life. For the key to a better future, call 1550 511 611.

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