Irish Daily Mail

Parents urged to say No to their children and make better food choices CLOSED SCHOOLS OBESITY CRISIS

- By Helen Bruce

THE obesity epidemic among our children has grown after the lockdown shut schools, health experts say.

Mothers are ‘pulling their hair out with kids who have gained so much weight’, consultant nutritioni­st Gaye Godkin revealed.

Alarm bells are ringing among doctors and child health experts who have linked the crisis to the six-month break from schools.

With children not expected back full-time until September at the earliest, Ms Godkin acknowledg­ed the difficulti­es parents face, but urged: ‘This is down to parents making the right food choices, and being able to say no.’ She added: ‘If you are buying frozen pizzas for movie nights, with packets of crisps, you are setting them up for a lifetime of bad eating habits.’

The alert follows an internatio­nal plea from Professor Russell Viner, who leads the Royal College of Paediatric­s and Child Health in the UK, to ‘get kids back to school as soon as we can for their health’. He said: ‘Everybody in the nutritiona­l world is concerned.’ And Ms Godkin, who has two clinics in Dublin, said: ‘I was speaking

to a GP only yesterday about this, the amount of mothers coming in, pulling their hair out, with kids who have gained so much weight. It is so prevalent.

‘This is down to parents making the right food choices, and being able to say no.’

She said obesity in the UK was a ‘tsunami’ but ‘we are not far behind them.’ Children are being brought to see her who ‘are getting plump around the belly’, she said.

‘That’s purely from an excess of glucose, snacks, sugar, breakfast cereals, bowls of pasta and pizza, those kind of foods.’ In response to the warnings, obesity expert Professor Donal O’Shea, consultant endocrinol­ogist in St Vincent’s University Hospital and at the St Columcille’s Hospital, said: ‘This is a very strong set of statements.

‘When a group of people this senior say the risk of not being in school is now greater than the risk of the virus, we should really pay attention to it.

‘The level of risk posed by the virus at the moment in Ireland is lower than in the UK, so we should listen carefully to what is being said.’

He said the UK experts had highlighte­d the overall benefits of schooling for children, including the mental and physical activity benefits of day-to-day schooling.

Ms Godkin said: ‘Parents are at home baking with their children. The children are bored. The big issue is snackIrela­nd ing, and food frequency.’ She said diet was 80% responsibl­e for a child’s weight, with exercise only influencin­g 20% of the overall picture.

‘We need to move away from thinking that because the kids have gone to play football or rugby, or have gone for a run or a cycle, that it’s okay to eat a bowl of ice-cream or cereal when they get back, because no human can outrun a bad meal. The focus should always be on food,’ she said.

‘So the thing is parents need to be super careful about what they are bringing into the house, what they are putting into their trolley.’

She added that before Covid-19, as much as 80% of all food eaten by children in was bought at a supermarke­t. That proportion is now higher.

And she said mealtimes should be structured – something she acknowledg­ed was difficult for parents who were working from home.

‘The kitchen should not be permanentl­y open,’ she said.

‘Covid has been very difficult, it has been hard, but we are getting to the end of it now, hopefully. Everybody is trying to cope with it in the best way they can. But parents have been baking muffins and banana bread, and stockpilin­g food, and that is all on top of what is already in the house. A lady said to me recently that she was desperate to get her daughter back on track, but the problem was that she still had so much from her bulk buying. That’s a strange mentality.

‘It’s awful to come down on parents, and I don’t want to come across as condemning them – I am a parent myself. But it’s learning to make good choices in the supermarke­t, and not to view all treats as food.’ Instead of sugary snacks, she said parents should give children fruit, natural yoghurt, celery or carrot sticks with humus or popcorn.

Prof Viner, who is on the UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencie­s, said: ‘We talk endlessly about the risks of transmissi­on of Covid, and that’s incredibly important, but it’s not the only thing. The risk-balance equation for children is about the risks of not being in school and poor mental health, poor sleep and potentiall­y lack of exercise and obesity.’

The paediatric­ian and adolescent physician at University College London’s Institute for Child Health added that although families were eating fewer takeaways, the snack cupboard ‘was always available’.

He said: ‘It is very likely that children and young people are getting much less exercise activity. We know that for a lot of children and young people, they don’t particular­ly exercise, but they get their activity from daily living. That’s walking to school, walking around at school, moving between classes, kicking a football with your mates. That’s how most children burn energy. But that’s not happening for the great majority of children.’

Caroline Cerny of the Obesity Health Alliance, a coalition of over 40 health organisati­ons, said: ‘There is some evidence that childhood obesity increases when children are out of school for the summer break and it’s likely that we could see a similar effect as a result of lockdown measures.’

‘You can’t outrun a bad meal’

 ??  ?? Concern: Prof Donal O’Shea
Concern: Prof Donal O’Shea

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